Chapter 11

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Sam's POV~
We had spent the last few weeks looking for my dad. As we did that Sof and Dal had started dating, and hanging out together. I was so happy for them, they were really a match made in heaven. Ponyboy and I had been going steady, besides the fact that I was completely under his spell of love. Everyone was happy, and yesterday Sof found a guy who claims he can find anyone anywhere. So I decided to go to him. Why not give it a shot right?

*on the way to the 'stalker guy'*
"I really hope he can find where my dad is." I said to Pony. He rubbed my back as we walked up to the door step of the guy's house. I was scared because we almost had to cross to the socs side of town, he was almost on the line. So, I guess you could say he was pretty middle class.

Pony knocked on the door. "It's open." I heard a man in his 30s say. So I opened the door, and we walked in. "Who is it?" he said kind of snapping at us. Wow, looks like this guy had an attitude if you ask me. Pony put his arm around me just to be safe.

I walked into his living room where he was sitting. "Hi, my name is Sam Freeman. My best friend Sof said that you were some sort of stalker guy who could find basically anyone. I wanted to know if maybe you could help me find my dad. He left me and my family 4 years ago and we haven't seen him since." I said sounding a little nervous. Ponyboy could always sense when I was nervous. He held my hand gripped it tightly letting me know that it was okay.

"I can try, come on follow me." the man said standing up and opening the door to a small computer filled room. I saw all these weird machines hooked up and a large computer. "My name is Benjamin McFarland, but you can just call me Benny if you want." he said holding his hand out for me to shake. I pulled my hand from Pony's shook it and smiled.

"Oh yea sorry Benny, this is my boyfriend Pony who has been helping me track him down." I said. "High nice to meet you." Pony said politely shaking his hand.

"Okay this might take a while, but let's start simple. What's his first and last name?" Benny asked.

"Oh um it's Robert Freeman." I replied. "Alright let's see now..." he said while typing his name into his computer. "Do you happen to know his birthday and how old he is?" he said. "He was born November 27th, and I think he is 40." I said.

I saw him type that into his computer thing. Then something popped up on the screen. "Is this him?" Benny asked. Then I saw a picture of my dad on the screen. "Yea it is." I said surprised. "I guess we found him quicker than I thought. Let me just print a copy of his information, and you'll have all the info you need." Benny said. "Great. Thank you, you really helped as out big time." Ponyboy said. "Yes thanks so much." I said to Benny.

I saw the papers come out of the printer. "Here ya go kids, see you later." he said giving me and Ponyboy the papers.

We walked out of the computer room, and out to his living room. "Bye, thanks again." Pony said as we walked out the door. "Anytime." he said tipping his hat.

"Ponyboy can you believe it! We just found him!" I squealed as we got onto the side walk. "I know I'm so excited. So you think you wanna see him?" he asked me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"To be honest, I don't quite know yet. What if he lives all the way in New York, Massachusetts, or even Florida. Then I won't be able to see him." I said to him. He nodded agreeing to all the possibilities I just brought up.

When we got home, I jumped onto the couch and squealed again. "What's all the excitement about?" Johnny asked me and Pony.

"We just found my dad!" I said to Johnny. "That's great. Where does he live?" he asked. I grabbed the papers and unfolded them. I was shocked to see what I saw. "He lives right here in Tulsa." I said.

"You gotta be kidding me." Pony said as him and Johnny sat on each side of me on the couch. "Yea it says he lives on 23 Newton St. wherever that is." I said.

I weird look came onto to Johnny's face. "You alright Johnny Cakes?" I asked him.

"That's my address." he said.
Hope you liked it. Btw if you haven't noticed this doesn't take place specifically in the 60s or currently in the now. It's kind of both. I also hope you liked my cliff hanger.

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