Chapter 7

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AUTHORS NOTE: Comment a heart if you read this, because I'm bored. Haha okay now enjoy Chapter 7 also I don't know if it will work but I'm adding good song that I like at the top;)
Pony's POV~
I woke up this morning excited to tell the gang that Sam was finally my girl. I got out of bed and threw on a hoodie and an old pair of jeans. I went to the bathroom and greased back my hair then brushed my teeth. When I got into the living room, I noticed that Sam was still sleeping on the couch. Wow, and I thought I slept in late.

I walked up to her. I noticed that she always tucked the blanket under her feet when she slept, and it was so cute. She also made fists when she slept and clenched her jaw a lot. It was kinda funny if you ask me. I sat down watching her sleep so peacefully, and I was trying not to wake her. Then she started moving. She opened her eyes a little and rolled back over. Then she noticed me and completely freaked out. She jumped and basically fell off the couch.

"Ponyboy, oh my lord. You scared the living tar out of me." she said. "Sorry, I was just watching you sleep. You looked so peaceful, I tried not to wake you." She started laughing and so did I. "I'm going to go get dressed and stuff okay?" she asked me. "Alright well, I'll be here." I responded. She got up and so did I. She was right in front if me and I pulled my head in and kissed her lightly. She kissed back then pulled away and smirked. She then walked into the bathroom, and passed Sodapop on the way.

"Oh uh, did you just..." I said but he cut me off. "Yes I saw you guys kissing." he said laughing and walked into the kitchen. 'That was awkward' I thought.

Sam's POV~
When I finished getting ready, I walked out of the bathroom. Wow, I was surprised to see the whole gang there. "Hey guys me and Ponyboy have to share some news." I said winking at him. "Me and Sam are dating now, and just wanted to let you know. So paws off gentlemen because this one is mine." Pony said and I laughed.

"Well it's about time. We all kinda knew it was going to happen anyways." Dal said. "What do you mean?" I said.
"Okay, for starters you and Pony are the two youngest and closest in age. Also, we all knew Pony liked you. It was kind of obvious." Steve said. Twobit looked up from the TV and said, "Well it was a surprise to me. Who would know you two would make such a good match."

"Hey Sam?" Pony said. "Yea what's up?" I asked. He put his arm around me and said, "Do you wanna go see a movie?" "Sure, just let me grab my jacket." I said. I loved movies, especially when I went to see them with Ponyboy.

We really did have a lot in common now that I think about it. I loved writing, reading, and drawing, and he did too. We both loved music and movies too. He also knew that I loved the Beatles and Elvis. Anyone who knows me knows that "Jailhouse Rock" was literally my jam. I knew every line.

I grabbed my worn out leather jacket and put it on as we walked out the door. We walked to the movies holding hands and singing our favorite songs together. I know it sounds sappy and cliché, but it was true. I loved singing so much, and in Pony's opinion I was somewhat good. I really only sung around him though because I was kind of shy. Once you get to know me though, I really come out of my shell. Sometimes you might wish I stayed in my shell because really I don't ever stop talking.

*After the movies*
"You know I thought that was going to be boring." I said as we left the movie. "Actually I think I going to mark that as the best movie this month. I loved that movie so much." Pony said, and I could tell he had fun. We always went to the movies together, but this time it was different. I got so happy when he put his are around me in the theater.

Then my I lost my train of thought. I heard a car pull up behind me, "Aww how cute the little greaser girl got herself a boyfriend!". Of course it was Bob again. "Leave us alone Bob." I said in annoyance. "Oh wow she can talk this time", I heard his friend driving say. That's when I knew that they were not going to be leaving us alone...
Hope you liked it, I tried to leave you guys at a cliff hanger;)

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