Chapter 18

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Sam's POV~
Oh my gosh. I'm so embarrassed, and I can't believe Ponyboy could get so jealous so fast.

"Sam, I'm so sorry. He must have thought we were on a date. This is all my fault." Derek said.

"No, Derek it's my fault. I should have introduced you before we went out to the restaurant. But, I don't know what I'm going to do. I have never seen Ponyboy this mad, before. I didn't think he would over react this much." I said to Derek.

"Well I should get going. Tell me how it goes after you talk to Pony." Derek said.

Pony's POV~
I walked into the house an slammed the door.

"Who peed in your cheerios?" Twobit asked. My face was really red.

"You look like a tomato kid." Steve said.

"Soda can I talk to you? Like right now." I said. "Sure bud." Sodapop said.
He got up and we went into our room.

"What's a matter Pony did somethin' happen?" He asked sitting on our bed.

"Sam was cheating on me! I saw her at the restaurant with some guy I haven't even seen before and she was just sitting there laughing and hugging. It's like she forgot all about me. I thought we were something really special Soda." I said to him.

"Well have you talked to her about it, what did she say." Soda asked.

"She didn't say anything, but now that I think about it I wouldn't really let her speak anyways. I couldn't help it though, I was too angry." I said to him.

"Well, Pony I'm not choosing sides or anything, but you should really talk to her. So you know for sure, and maybe you should just let her explain a little." Soda said. How could he think that. I saw it happen with my own eyes. "I just can't believe she would do this too me." I said.

"Go talk to her Ponyboy." he said. "I can't right now. I need sometime to think." I said. And with that he left the room.

Sam's POV~
I'm currently on my way to Sof's house. I really need to talk to her, alone. So I hope Devyn isn't there.

I walked up her steps, and didn't bother to knock on the door. She always left it open. "Oh my god you guys. Could you keep it PG." I said covering my eyes.

Sof was on top of Dally making out with him. God, I really wish I didn't see that. But, I was also happy for Sof, but grossed out haha.

"Sorry." she said. "Your just jealous you don't do this with Pony." Dally said laughing next to Sof.

"Sof I need to talk to you, like ASAP. It's really important." I said.

"That's my cue" Dally said. He got off the couch kissed Sof, and walked out the door.

"What's up?" Sof said. "It's Ponyboy. Derek came back from Houston today. I was really surprised and wanted to catch up with him, so we went to Fabiano's, you know the Italian ice cream shop? So then right after we had caught up, we were just about to leave and I gave him a hug. Pony must have seen us because he came in and threw a fit. Now he thinks I cheated on him and he's really mad." I said out of breath from all the words coming out so quickly.

"Oh wow Derek's back. That's awesome Sam, he was like our best friend. I can't wait to catch up with him." Sof said.

"Really Sof, did you not hear anything I just said."

"Sorry, my bad. Seriously though, just go talk to Pony and tell him the truth." she said.

"I want to, but at the same time I don't really know. I'm still kind of mad that he thinks I would do that to him. You should have seen how mad he was. Even Derek was scared. Talk about a bad first day back." I said.

"Well maybe he'll come talk to you." she said.

"Well I mean I should go talk to him, I feel a little bad too." I said.

"Alright have fun. If you need me I'll be at the drive-in. Me and Dally are sneaking in tonight." Sof said.

"Alright have fun." I said as I walked out the door.

Off to find Pony now.

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