Chapter 4

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys thanks for all the views. Don't forget to comment and give me a star. Feedback would be great.
Pony's POV~
I was really worried about Sam. For some reason I feel really protective of her especially around socs. I was so upset when I found her in the alley. I keep thinking about what would have gone down if I had gotten there earlier. It was all my fault. If I was there with her she wouldn't have blacked out and gotten that big scar. I kind of missed her and was wondering if she would be coming over today or not.

Then something hit me. I had a crush on Sam. I really really liked her, and wanted her to be safe all the time. Darry and Soda asked if I was okay, and Soda asked why I seemed so calm. That was the thing though. I wasn't calm, I was pissed. I wanted to beat the living day lights out of them socs.

Sam's POV~
After I got home I lied in bed for like an hour or two. Then I started getting bored so I got up and decided to go to Pony's.

I thought this was going to a good day, but I really was wrong. And to be honest it all happened so fast, and I just wanted to forget it all.

I walked past the place where I has just got jumped only 5 hours ago. I looked down the alley and saw my own blood. It sent shivers down my spine as I pictured the blood pouring out of me. No, I wasn't freaked out by blood. I'm not like that, and I don't tend to get grossed out by that stuff easily. It was just the thought of me laying there alone.

I had to be more careful I thought as I approached the Curtis's door. I knocked and then heard Twobit yell "It's open Sam." I walked inside and saw Twobit on the floor drinking a beer and watching Mickey on the TV. Wow, what a surprise. Then I saw Sodapop on the couch and Pony was sitting next to him. Johnny and Dal were in the kitchen with Steve, and Darry must have got called into work.

"Hey y'all what's going on." I said in my most cheerful voice. "Hey Sam, how are you feeling?" Pony said. "I'm doing pretty good I guess, and hey why do y'all look so glum."

Twobit laughed, "Did you really just use the word glum." I put on my confused look. "Yea why?" I said. Dally popped his head out of the kitchen "No one says that." he said and smirked. I put my hand on my hip and glared, "Well I do, so your wrong." he laughed, "Whatever" he said. Then I giggled.

Soda looked up "You realize you just had a near death experience, and you just said you were doing pretty good." I nodded. "Well I am not dead so I guess that's good." He laughed.

"Are you sure your okay?" Pony asked. "Yea I'm sure that was probably the scariest moment of my life, but I really do feel fine now."

"So are we doing anything fun today?" I said a little to excited. "Not today kiddo, I'm just not really feeling it now." Dally said. "Alright, well we should at least do something fun tomorrow." I said.

Johnny chimed in, "You are Dallas Winston, you were born to have fun."
He smirked a little, "I know, I know I promise we'll do something tomorrow okay."

"Okay" me and Ponyboy said in unison. We both laughed at this.

The gang might seem boring to you but I really do love all of them like family. They really are like my brothers.
Hope you guys liked this. Make sure to give it a star and comment what you think. I'll probably post the next chapter tomorrow.

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