Chapter 17 ;)

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Sam's POV~
It was a few days after my birthday. I was currently in Mr. Anderson's history class, and we were all just told we had to write 4 paragraph about the industrial revolution. To be honest I was excited to write about it because I loved my history class and my teacher. I was a school lover and I wasn't going to lie.

I wrote my first paragraph when all of the sudden my classroom door opened. I was completely shocked, in a good way though!

I was Derek! My best friend from 6th grade. He said he was moving to Houston Texas, and then I never heard from him since. I can't believe it. Mr. Anderson gave him the assignment he had just given me. "Find a seat. Make it a good one because it is your seat for the remaining 2 weeks of school." mr anderson said.

It was a little strange that he wouldn't just finish up the last 2 weeks of school and then move, but I guess he really wanted those to weeks.

"Derek, sit right here." I said so loud the entire class almost looked up from their papers.

"Wow, if it isn't my best friend Sam Freeman." he said sarcastically but in a nice way. I hugged him.

"We need to catch up, do you wanna go to a restaurant after school and get something to eat." Derek said.

"Yes, that would be great." I said to him. We both smiled. I was so happy I thought I would never see him again, but faith has thankfully reunited us. I can't wait to introduce him to the gang.

*later at the ice cream shop*

I had just told him everything. How Sof is doing. That she is dating Dally. Her older sister is dating Darry. And of course that I'm dating Ponyboy.

"That's great. I was going to tell you that I was moving back to Tulsa, but I lost your phone number. My little sister kind of decided it was her coloring book." he said and I laughed a little.

"Don't worry about it. Anyways I feel like I haven't seen you in years." I said.

"That's cause if has been years." he said laughing.

"Alright well it was nice seeing you. I'll have to introduce you to the gang soon." I said. We both stood up. We gave each other a friendly hug. Then the unexpected happened. (no he didn't kiss me ;D)

Ponyboy walked in with the angriest, reddest, coldest face I have ever seen on him. "Pony I was just going to..." I was cut off by his rage.

Ponyboy's POV~
What the hell was this! Sam was in the ice cream shop with a guy! That guy wasn't me! I'm her man, how could she do this.

Seriously she was sitting there laughing with him like they were a couple or something. I was going to be sick.

NOW HE'S HUGGING MY WOMEN! What in tarnations does he think she is.

I walked in there without even thinking.

"Hey Ponyboy I was just going to..." I cut her off. I wasn't going to listen to her filthy excuses.

"What the hell are you doing with my girl friend. Your on a date with my girl not yours. You think you can just steal her away that easy. And Sam your just going to hug him and everything. I bet you weren't even thinking about me at all. Your so selfish. You have a boyfriend you know!" I said and I knew how red my face must have looked.

"Pony I can explain..." Sam started. She was REDICULOUS.

"Oh sure Sam, go head and explain why your cheating on me." I said. Then I walked out.

Did she even realize how much she hurt me. She cheated on me. She told me she loved me. You think you know someone right?

Here is a peace of advice from your old pal Pony TRUST FREAKING NO ONE!

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