Chapter 12

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Sam's POV~
"That's my address Johnny." said looking shocked.

"Okay, something tells me you guys just made a connection that I didn't. I'm a little lost here, can you help me out? I think I'm having another blonde moment." I said to both Pony and Johnny.

"Robert Freeman, is my dad Sam." Johnny said. "What? Okay first of all wouldn't you tell me if your dad had the same last name as me? Two, wouldn't your last name be Freeman too?" I said to Johnny.

"Okay this is really complicated and strange, but just listen." he said. "Okay so first of all I never said you and my dad had the same last name because it's so common. I never even thought anything of it. Also my mom put her maiden name 'Cade' on my birth certificate because my dad was never around." After he was done speaking I could barely even process it all.

"How many years ago did you say your dad left you? Also didn't you say something about a women named Linda?" Ponyboy said. "He left us 4 years ago." I replied. I couldn't even believe it. All three of us were shocked.

"Linda is my mother. My dad came back to us 4 years ago. That was the first time I met him. He left as soon as he found out my mom was pregnant. I didn't meet him until I was 12." Johnny said. I couldn't believe this. I started getting sick to my stomach.

"Johnny if your 16, then my dad had an affair with your mother a year after my sister was born." I said. When I looked up he looked sick. "Johnny I think your my... my um, half brother."

"Boy this day could not get any more strange." Pony said. "Your telling me? I just found out that my best friend is my brother." I said.

"But, you said your mom and dad beat you?" I said to Johnny.

"They do." Johnny said softly. "My dad would never do that though. He always treated us so well. I can't believe he did all of that to you Johnny, I'm so sorry." I said to him. I hugged him and he hugged me.

"Well I guess this means that I won't get to meet him. I don't want to be around him if he is like that now." I said. "I'm sorry. It just isn't safe." said Johnny.

I was really upset. I can not believe my dad had turned into that kind of a person. I only ever knew him as my 'daddy'. I felt my eyes start to fill up. I didn't want to look weak, but I've never been so disappointed in my life.

A tear fell from my cheek. Ponyboy held me to his chest and I began to cry a little more. I missed him so much, especially after trying to find him for weeks. Just to find out that he was a drunk who beat Johnny all the time.

I could tell this was weird for Johnny to find out that his dad was actually a good guy once.

While Pony held me I realized that me and Johnny had the same brown almost black eyes. The same dark skin and dark brown hair. He looked like an older version of Finn I thought.

When I stopped crying I said to Johnny, "so you do know you have 3 other siblings too right?" He looked surprised. "I do, how come you never told me you had siblings?" he said.

"I did I just guess you weren't listening." I said and gave a little laugh.
I pulled a picture out of my pocket. I have always carried a picture of me Sawyer, Finn, and Avery around. "See look. That's Sawyer, Finn, and my 17 year old sister Avery." I said to him. "Sawyer and Finn are fraternal twins. That's why they look so different, but Finn looks just like us." I said.

"Wow, he is a good looking kid then." he said laughing at his own joke. Although I was sad, it was pretty cool knowing that I had and older brother. And one that looked like me. I don't know how I didn't see our resemblance before. I hugged Johnny one more time. Johnny Cade is my actual brother, I actually had a big brother.

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