Chapter 9

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Sam's POV~
It was A few weeks later at school. "Hey Sof?" I said to her walking down the hallway with her and Pony to health class. "Yep nice job, you learned my name!" she said sarcastically. First I looked at Pony, "If it's okay with Ponyboy, I wanted to know if you wanted to meet the gang after school today." I said. Pony nodded in approval.

"Yea there awesome guys." Ponyboy said.

"I don't see why not, they seem pretty chill, the way you guys talk about them." Sof said. "Okay great." I said as we took our seats in Mrs. Abante's classroom. I knew Dally would like her. To say the least I was planning on setting them up.

*After School*
Sam's POV~
"Hey guys, I told my friend Sof that she could come over and meets you guys so be nice cause she's on her way over now."

"Sof as in Sofa or something, what kind of a name is that?" Twobit said.

"No, Sof as in Sofia. And since when do you judge nicknames, last time I checked 'Twobit' wasn't the most normal nickname." I said back to him.

"Is she hot?" Steve said. "In my opinion I think she is really pretty, but I'm not a guy. I don't know these things." I said.
Just then she walked through the door. "Howdy y'all what's going on?" she said.

Suddenly I saw the mouths of Twobit, Steve, Dally (wink wink), and even Soda's dropped a little. I took it that they found her attractive. "Um hello?" she said waving her hand in their faces, "Are you mute or somethin' ". Soda spoke up, "H-h-hi" he said in a daze.
"What's shaking my fine lady." Dallas said winking at her.

"Okay first of all, I'm not your lady!" Sof said offended. "Second of all, I hardly know you Winston. So your going to have to harder if you want me." "Okay sure thing sweets, sorry." he said looking her up and down. Did Dallas Winston just apologize. Since when did he start acting nice. Then I realized it was because he really liked Sof. Not like he liked other girls though. This was good.

She accepted his apology. Pony and I gave each other a look to show how surprised we were by this. "Do you wanna stay for dinner?" Soda asked politely. "Yea that would be great, thanks." Sof said back. She sat down and before the whole gang knew it, her and Dal were having a full conversation.

"Well we know who has dibs now." Twobit bit said. "I guess so." Soda said.

She spent dinner with us and finally Dal got the courage to ask her out sometime. She agreed and kissed his cheek on her way out the door. "Bye" I said back to her. "Adios amigos" she said winking. Well the gang really likes her, which means that we can all hang out together more often. So far my plans were going smoothly.
Hey guys i know this chapter was really short and bad. Forgive me because some real interesting stuff is going to happen soon.

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