Chapter 6

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Pony's POV~
Oh my gosh I just kissed Sam Freeman. I wanted to tell her that I really liked her. To my luck though, Twobit had to come in and ruin the moment.

Not to be to cocky, but I had a feeling she liked me too. I mean she couldn't tell me that I was the only one who felt something when we kissed. I was like magic, like fireworks. I had to tell her how I felt. I just didn't know how. But, I knew just who to ask... Sodapop.

I walked into the kitchen to where Soda was, and sat across from him at the table. Luckily Sam had just left to grab a few things at her house before staying the night. "Soda, I kinda need to talk to you about a girl. I really like her but I'm afraid she only sees me as a friend, and I don't know how to ask her to be my girl." Sodapop was smirking and said, "So who's the lucky lady your talking about? Is it anyone I know, or someone from school?"

"I can't tell you right now I just need to know, because I really like her Soda. I just don't know what to do. I think she likes me but I don't know." I said. He looked down at the cards he was shuffling and said, "Well I can't help you unless I know who she, and what she is like." "Soda come on please." I said giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Okay Ponyboy, the best thing you can do is just tell her the truth and be honest with her. Confront her on how you feel. If she seems like she likes you the you just ask her if she will be your girl. The worst she could say is no." he said. I guess he was right, and to be honest I knew what to do with the situation all along. I just needed the courage to actually go through with it all.

"Hey thanks Soda." I said and walked into the living room. Just to my luck Sam had just arrived back.

Sam's POV~
I'd just grabbed some things I needed from home to spend the night at the Curtis's. When I walked through the door I put my stuff down and I said, "Hey I'm back." Then Soda came into the living room and sat down and flipped on the TV. I was just about to sit down and watch it with him when Pony came up to me.

"Hey Sam can I talk to you alone for a second, about that thing I wanted to tell you earlier?" he said. Then a wide grin appeared on Soda's face and I was really confused. He said "So that's the gi..." and the Pony put him hand over Soda's mouth to stop him from speaking. "Soda can you please leave us alone for a second. PLEASE." Ponyboy said to him giving him a glare. Soda left without saying a word.

We sat on the couch and he finally spoke up. "I wanted to tell you earlier that I really liked you." he said. "Oh well I really like you too Pony." I said. I was a little confused that that was the only thing he wanted to tell me. He looked at me with his amazingly green eyes.

"No, Sam I mean that I really really like you. I know that you probably don't feel the same. I also know you only see us as friends, but I was just wondering if you would be my girl and give it a chance?" He looked at me and I felt bad because he looked so nervous and scared. "Pony I would love to." I said. I was completely shocked because never in a million year would I think Pony liked me like that. "What?" He said confused. "I said yes Ponyboy." Now he was shocked.

"Oh my gosh, wow this great!" he said. I laughed at his excitement. Then I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me too.

"Now all we gotta do is tell the gang." I said. "We'll do it tomorrow when everyone is here" he said. "Alright, well goodnight then." I said and pecked his cheek. "Goodnight" he said and blushed a little.

Wow I just got jumped, played an intense game of truth or dare, and got a boyfriend all in the same day. This was a pretty interesting day if you ask me.
Okay, I hoped you liked it, make sure to give it a star and comment please and thank you:)

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