Hunter Exam

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Sike Lmao

You charge at Netero at speeds that neither Gon and Killua could keep up with. Even startling Netero a little, Not enough to wear he gets caught off guard but fast enough to where he has to keep his guard up.

You then aim a kick at Neteros head, but he just dodges out of the way before it can hit him, creating a shockwave. You then flip while in the air and jump away from him.

 You then flip while in the air and jump away from him

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Y/n: "Ok, Being on this ship is holding me back. When we're on solid ground, we'll continue, Alright?" You said to Netero in a sad tone.

Netero: "You're right. Even if we were to hold back we would eventually keep scaling this up until the ship can handle it." Netero said, slightly disappointed that he had to wait even more.

Y/n: "Anyway, Later, Old man." You said as you left a shocked Killua and Gon behind.

Killua: "H-Holy crap! Just his kick was enough to nearly blow us away!" Killua said in a shocked tone of voice.

Gon: "Yeah! I wonder what would've happened if they continued!" Gon said, also shocked.

Netero: "Welp. Guess I'll just go back to what I was doing before this." Netero said as he left.

Killua and Gon then get out of their shock and left after you, and starting up a conversation.

Killua: "Hey y/n, Why'd you stop the fight so abruptly? You could've continued for longer." Killua said, finding it weird that you stopped the fight after one attack.

Y/n: "Yeah, I could've. But I want my fight with Netero to be somewhere where we can go balls out. Not on some ship where we would have to hold back a lot of our power." You said to Killua, making him understand what you were thinking.

Killua: "Oh yeah, That makes sense." Killua said.

Gon: "Yeah! If I were in the same shoes as you, I would've done the same." Gon said, also understanding.

Y/n: "Well, Im gonna sleep until we arrive at our destination. Later." You said as you vanished.

Killua: "Well Gon, Im gonna go do the same." Killua said as he walked away.

Gon: "Hm." Gon said as he walked with him.

-Timeskip 9 hours.-

We currently see you, gon, and killua all sleeping peacefully next to each other like bros. Until a PA Sound plays, along with Beans making an announcement.

Beans: "I sincerely apologize for the long wait. The airship will be arriving at its destination shortly." Beans said.

The moment you heard the announcement, the three of you immediately shot up and dashed toward the window, looking outside toward the site of the Next Phase of the exam.

Gon: "Woah! Is this where the next test is gonna be held?" Gon said, In awe of the massive tower he sees from out the window.

Gon: "Woah! Is this where the next test is gonna be held?" Gon said, In awe of the massive tower he sees from out the window

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