Hunter Exam

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(A/N: At the time Im making this, Shizuku has the most votes for the ship. If I ever do another hxh fanfiction, which won't be for a while, Then the ship in that will be Machi.)

Y/n: "And thats the story." You said while smirking.

When you told Kurapika and Leorio the whole story, they weren't particularly surprised. This is because they just expect you to beat everyone you come across.

Leorio: "So basically, He tried to kill you, you took his eye and beat the crap out of him, and he fled to his home?" Leorio asked, summarizing the entire story.

Y/n: "Basically." You responded to Leorio.

Illumi: "Ugh... Of course, the one time Kil shows up here HE has to take the exams... Just my luck." Illumi says under his breath before he speaks to Killua.

Illumi: "I heard you stabbed Mom and Milluki." Illumi said, making Killua sweat nervously.

Killua: "Guess so." Killua said nervously, hoping Illumi wasn't mad.

Illumi: "Mom couldn't stop crying." Illumi said in a disturbingly calm tone of voice.

Leorio: "Well, who would blame her? Anybody'd cry if their kid did that." Leorio said.

Illumi: "She was just so happy." Illumi said, making You and Leorio fall to the ground in shock.

Y/n: "T-That caught me off guard a bit..." You said while getting up and dusting yourself off.

Illumi: "She was delighted to see that her son had finally grown up. But she's concerned about you being out on your own. And she asked me to check up on you when I got the chance. Lucky me, huh?" Illumi said.

Illumi: "I had absolutely no idea that you wanted to be a hunter. As for me, I'm here to get a license for a job thats coming up." Illumi said, then Killua began to speak.

Killua: "I dont actually want to become a Hunter. I just felt like taking the Exam." Killua explained nervously.

Illumi: "I see... Well, that's a relief. In that case, I have some advice for you." Illumi said, making you notice a weird change in the air.

Y/n: 'What the hell? What's going on? Is he using some kind of Strange ability?' You thought to yourself, having the feeling that Illumi is doing something to Killua.

Illumi: "You're not cut out to be a Hunter." Illumi said, shocking Killua.

Y/n: 'Why did Killua get so nervous all of a sudden? Is what Illumi is saying making him THAT nervous?' You thought to yourself, confused at Killuas suddenly change in attitude.

Illumi: "You were born for one purpose: To be an assassin." Illumi said.

Illumi: "You're a puppet of darkness, devoid of passion. There is nothing you desire, nor is there anything you wish for. As one who lives in the shadows, the only pleasure you're capable of is derived from causing death. Because thats how Dad and I raised you." Illumi said.

Illumi: "What do you imagine that you would accomplish by becoming a Hunter?" Illumi asked.

Killua: "It's true. I dont really want to be a Hunter. But... everyone wants something. Even me." Killua says while sweating.

Illumi: "You dont-"

Killua: "Wrong!" There is something that I really want!" Killua says, intriguing Illumi.

Illumi: "Enlighten me. What is it that you want?" Illumi asked, Making Killua go silent.

Illumi: "Hmm... What's the matter? There really isn't anything, is there?" Illumi asks.

Killua: "THERE IS!" Killua says, But Fater a few seconds of Awkward silence, He speaks again.

Killua: "I want to be... friends with y/n and Gon." Killua says meekly, making you a bit happy that he said that.

Y/n: 'Awww... I wanna be friends with you too! You're a cool person to be around!' You thought to yourself as you smiled. Too shy to say it out loud.

Killua: "I'm... I'm just so sick of killing people. I want to be friends with y/n and Gon... and just have fun." Killua said.

Illumi: "Impossible. You are incapable of friendship. The only thing that you can do is discern whether or not you can kill them. That is all you were ever taught." Illumi started.

Illumi: "Gon is such a radiant personality that you dont know how to classify him. You dont actually desire his friendship." Illumi said.

Killua: "No..."

Illumi: "If you stay with him, one day you'll end up wanting to kill him. You'll wonder if you can. And you'll want to find out. Because... you are, by nature, a murderer." Illumi said, pissing you off greatly.

Y/n: 'This bastard... He knows that I can't do anything because of the rules... Little coward...' You thought to yourself, angry that you could walk up and beat the shit out of Illumi.

Leorio then walks up, immediately making one of the guards stop him in his tracks.

Guard: "We've warned you already sir. So please..."

Leorio: 'Yeah, yeah, I know. Killua!" Leorio says as he shouts for Killuas attention.

Leorio: "I couldn't care less if this guy's your brother, all right? He's a worthless piece of crap! So dont listen to him! Just neat the crap out of him like usual and win! You want to become friends with Gon and Y/n? Are you kiddin' me? You're already friends! How do you not know that?" Leorio shouts, making Killua shocked and Illumi confused.

Leorio: "Gon sure seems to think, so anyway!" Leorio shouts.

Illumi: "Is that true?" Illumi asks.

Leorio: "Hell yeah it's true, you idiot!" Leorio answers angrily.

Illumi: "Oh, no. That isn't good. So he already considers Kil a friend? Fine. Then I'll just kill-" Illumi then gets interrupted by a massive wave of pressure engulfs the room.

Y/n: "Oh Ho... Please try Illumi. It'll be fun to take your another one of your limbs."

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now