Heavens Arena

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Wing: 'Master... It was never my intention, but... have I... Have I awoken a terrible monster?' Wing thought to himself, his Ten suddenly activating.

-Cut to an unknown location.-

Kurapika: "What's going on?" Kurapika asked.

Rei: "You found this agency on your own, and that tells me you're pretty sharp. Even so... I can't introduce you to our valued clients. And it's not because of your total lack of experience. Some of our clients dont seem to mind that. The thing is... experience isn't all you lack." Rei explained.

Kurapika: "But what do you mean? Like I told you, I already have a Hunter's License." Kurapika responded.

Rei: "Maybe. But your Exam isn't over. It's obvious." Rei said, surprising Kurapika.

Kurapika: "Excuse me?" Kurapika said, slightly offended.

Rei: "Can you see anything? Like next to me, I mean." Rei said while making a face out of her Nen.

Rei: "Can't see a thing, can you?" Rei asked.

Rei: "You come back when you can... and not before. That's the minimum requirement here." Rei said.

Kurapika: 'What does she mean? What is it that I can't see?' Kurapika thought to himself while walking.

After a bit of walking, Kurapika found himself in a forest. But then, he stops walking when he feels that someone following him.

Then, A bullet gets shot at him. But before it hits him, Kurapika dodges to the side, making the bullet hit a tree that was behind him, putting a massive hole in it.

???: "You can't see it, but you can sense it, huh?" An unknown person asks.

Kurapika: "Why did you do that?" Kurapika asked.

???: "This? Oh. I was just playing around." The unknown person said while coming out of the shadow.

???: "This must be fate, us crossing paths. Y'think? Try to think of this as... a little bit of friendly advice from a senior." The person said, pulling out Kurapika's hunter license.

???: "You didn't notice when I stole this, or when I walked past you, either. You're clueless." The person said mockingly.

Kurapika: "Bastard! Give me nack my license right now!" Kurapika said angrily.

???: "Does a newbie who knows nothing of Nen have a chance of beating me?" The person said.

Kurapika: "Nen, eh?" Kurapika said while pulling out his Bokken.

???: "Wanna give it a try?" The person asked.

We then see Kurapika on the ground, beaten and exhausted. While his opponent is sitting on the destroyed tree from earlier, completely fine.

???: "Do you get it now? There's something important you still lack." The person said.

Kurapika: "I... I need... I need enough power to fight on my own!" Kurapika said as the person tossed him his license back.

???: "Come with me. I'll teach you. The real exam has just begun." The person said while smiling.

-Timeskip 1 month.-

We currently see Killua walking to Gon's room.

Killua: "Hey, Gon! I got something-" He says as he cuts himself off, Seeing Gon Jump on his used-to-be broken arm.

Gon: "Oh! Killua! What's up? I was just thinking about going out to look for you." Gon said while upside down.

Killua: "Whoa! You're better already?" Killua asked.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now