Heavens Arena

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We currently see Gon and Killua in Wing's room, learning about the four principles of Nen.

Wing: "Paying attention? Nen, or flame, is a power that fires our souls. In other words, it's the strength of your will." Wing said while drawing the Kanji for Nen.

Wing: "And the Four Exercises is a training regimen that strengthens your will." Wing explained.

Wing: "Ten: focus the mind on a single point, reflect on the self, and determine the goal. Zetsu: to put it into words. Ren is to intensify your will. Hatsu is to release it into action." Wing said.

Wing: "See, Zushi tempered his 'refusal to lose' during his battle with you, Killua." Wing said.

Wing: "Now allow me to demonstrate. Killua?" Wing said, making Killua turns his attention turn his attention toward him.

Wing: "For this demonstration, I would like to "kill" you now. Is that all right?" Wing asked.

Killua: "Sure. Why not. But you won't be able to." Killua responded with confidence.

Wing: "Let's do this in order. First, Ten." Wing said as he got into a stance.

Wing: "I focus my mind on a single point. Zetsu: Express your desired intent. Either mentally or verbally." Wing said.

Wing: "I will kill you." Wing said as he started using Ren, Scaring Gon, and Killua.

-Cut to prison realm.-

After mastering the use of White, your moving on to using Black. This was actually easier to do because it required little energy to use. The only thing that was hard to do was aiming it.

So, you had Kalluto summon his confetti to help you practice. And ad you were practicing, You and Kalluto were talking.

Kalluto: "Hey, Big brother, where do you think we are right now? In the real world, I mean." Kalluto asked while shooting confetti in the air.

Y/n: "Well... That's actually a good question. Hopefully, we're with Gon and Killua and not in the Zoldyck estate." You responded while firing Black at another piece of confetti, Missing.

Then, you and Kalluto felt a wave of Ren being emitted from the outside world, putting You and Kalluto on high alert.

Y/n: "The hell?! Whoever has us is in danger!" You said shouted while shooting up.

Kalluto: "Yeah, And I prefer that whoever is carrying us die." Kalluto said.

-Cut to the outside world.-

As wing was using Ren, the prison realm suddenly leaps in the air and hits wing in the face, shocking everyone.

Wing: "Ow! What just hit me?!" Wing said while rubbing his face.

Gon and then notices that the Prison realm is no longer in his hands, and is on the ground.

Wing also notices the prison realm and wonders what it is. He also looks at Gon and assumes that he threw it at him.

Wing: "Did you throw that at me?" Wing asked Gon angrily.

Gon: "N-No I didn't! It just leaped out of my hands!" Gon responded nervously.

Wing then stares at Gon for a few seconds. He then sees that Gon isn't lying and that he actually didn't throw the prison realm at him. He then begins to calm down.

Wing: "I see, You're telling the truth. Im sorry for assuming you threw that cube at me." Wing said while bowing.

Gon: "I-Its fine..." Gon said while sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

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