Chimera Ants

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Rammot: "Turn him into an ant? How are we gonna do that?" Rammot asked.

Pitou: "Well, it's just an idea that I came up with just now. So, I have no idea." Pitou said while sticking her tongue out.

They just sweatdropped at the sight of this. Then, Peggy had an idea come to mind.

Peggy: "Hey, I may know a way of doing that." Peggy said, making the others turn toward him.

Colt: "And what would that way be?" Colt asked.

Peggy: "It might not work. But It'll be worth a shot." Peggy said.


We currently see Netero and his extermination team in the NGL.

Netero: "This isn't good." Netero said while looking at Pitou.

Netero: "That thing looks stronger than me." Netero said.

Knov: "Stronger than you, Chairman? Surely you jest. If that's true, no Hunter in the world will be able to fight it." Knov said, pissing off a certain girl.

???: "Knov... Are you doubting my family's abilities?" Your sister asked angrily.

Morel: "No one is doubting your family's power, Little girl." Morel said condescendingly.

Morel calling her "little girl" really pissed her off.

???: "I swear to god Morel I will kill you! Quit calling me Little Girl! My name is Sakura, Sakura Gojo! And keep in mind that I'm stronger than you!" Sakura shouted angrily.

Morel: "Okay, Okay, Geez... Relax." Morel said while sweating.

Then, Morel realized something. Gon and Killua mentioned You fighting an Ant with a Powerful Ant. And Netero said that this ant was stronger than him. So, he started connecting the dots.

Morel: "Wait, what happened to the guy who fought the powerful Chimera Ant?" Morel asked, making them confused.

Sakura: "What are you talking about now?" Sakura asked.

Morel: "Y'know the one. The guy that Kite and those Kids mentioned." Morel answered.

Sakura: "Hm? Yeah, what about him?" Sakura asked, not remembering what Gon or Killua said.

Morel: "They mentioned your Brother, Y/n... Correct?" Morel asked, not really remembering what Killua said either.

Then, Sakura and Netero finally connected the dots. Making them extremely surprised.

Sakura: "Wait... Are you implying that...?"

Netero: "Y/n lost?" Netero asked, finishing Sakura's sentence.

Sakura: "No way, You're joking. No way my big brother lost. You must be out of your mind." Sakura said, not believing that you lost.

Morel: "Well, we didn't see him with Kite's group. And they mentioned that they left SOMEONE behind to that fight that thing." Morel said.

Netero: "I dont really understand. Y/n was able to stop my Zero Hand. Granted, I was holding back, but even so, No other hunter can do that." Netero said.

Knov: "Wait, he fought against you?" Knov asked.

Netero: "Yes, it's a long story. But basically, he managed to push me to almost use my full power." Netero said, shocking them.

Netero: "Hell, I almost lost. But he passed out. So, I ended up beating him." Netero said.

Sakura: "My big brother is so awesome!" Sakura said.

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