Yorknew City

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Shizuku: "A date? I've never been on one, but sure!" Shizuku answered, making you smile brightly.

Leorio: "Oh ho! I see Y/n, You're becoming a man already!" Leorio said while grinning.

Killua: "Taking the initiative I see. I approve." Killua said while giving you a thumbs up.

Gon: "If you're concerned about us, We'll be fine. Go and have fun!" Gon said, wanting the best for you.

Y/n: "Thanks, guys!" You said as you look at Shizuku.

Y/n: "Well, Shall we go now?" You asked Shizuku.

Shizuku: "Yeah." Shizuku answered.

-Cut to the park.-

We currently see You and Shizuku sitting on a bench, discussing what you should do.

Y/n: "Hmm. How about we eat at [Location] And watch a movie at [Location]?" You asked.

Shizuku: "Sure, Sounds like a plan." Shizuku answered.

Y/n: "Alright, But first..." You said as you got up.

Y/n: "We need new clothes. For a date, this won't cut it." You said.

Shizuku: "I agree. Besides, We have to look as good as possible for this." Shizuku said in agreeance.

Y/n: "Okay. By the way, do you have money? I have a hunter's license, so that'll cover everything." You asked Shizuku.

Shizuku: "Yeah, I have money. Being a part of the phantom for a long time pays well." Shizuku answered.

Y/n: "Okay, We'll go to separate clothing stores and meet back here in an hour." You said.

Shizuku: "Separate? Why Separate?" Shizuku asked confused.

Y/n: "Because I think it would be fun if we surprised each other!" You answered.

Shizuku: "I see, That makes sense. Well, Meet you back here in an hour right?" Shizuku asked, preparing to leave.

Y/n: "Yup." You answered.

Then, you and Shizuku proceeded to vanish in separate directions.


(Select whichever ones you want for you and Shizuku

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(Select whichever ones you want for you and Shizuku.)

We currently see you sitting at the same bench that you and Shizuku agreed to meet up at in an hour.

Because you got done early, you had to wait a bit. But you were patient, so it didn't matter.

And after a few minutes of waiting, you hear a voice coming from your left.

Shizuku: "Hey!" Shizuku shouted, making you turn toward her.

When you saw her, you immediately turned red. Her outfit accentuated her figure, which was a plus in your book.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now