Greed Island

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Y/n: "I feel like this is referencing something." You said under your breath.

Gon: "Referencing something?" Gon asked.

Y/n: "Nah. It's nothing." You responded.

Gon: "So anyway, how much do you need?" Gon asked.

Old man: "80,000 Jenny." The old man answered.

Gon: "But thats all we have left." Gon whispered.

Killua: "So they know everything about us." Killua said.

???: "Um, I have enough to cover 80,000 Jenny." The girl behind them said.

Y/n: "Oh, could you just shut your trap for a moment?" You asked.

???: 'I'm gonna kill that brat.' The girl thought to herself angrily.

Gon: "Got it. We can give you 80,000 Jenny." Gon said.

Old man: "Really?" The old man asked happily.

Bandit: "Thank you so much! You've saved my son's life!" The bandit said while crying.

Son: "I'm c-cold. So cold." The son said.

Bandit: "Oh, no! If his body gets any colder he'll die before we can get him the medicine! If only we had some children's clothes! Oh! Some children's clothes!" The bandit said.

Gon: "Well, I can give him my clothes." Gon said.

Bandit: "Is that really okay with you?!" The bandit asked.

Old man: "You're just like angels!" The old man said while crying.

Old man: "Words are not enough..."

Bandit: "To express our gratitude!"

Gon: "Oh, we don't need thanks." Gon said.

Killua: "How about some information or items?" Killua asked, making them scoot away.


Killua: "We got nothing!" Killua said angrily.

Gon: "We lost our clothes, and now we're totally broke." Gon said.

Y/n: "Still have my clothes." You said smugly.

Gon: "That's because you're selfish." Gon said.

Y/n: "Pfft. Like I'd just give up my cool ass clothes willingly." You retorted.

???: 'What was that about?" The girl thought to herself, following behind you.

Gon: "But once we get past this mountain, we'll find lots of monsters, right?" Gon asked.

Killua: "Yeah. If we beat them and turn them into cards, we can sell them for lots of money!" Killua said.

Gon: "Then we finally get to start fighting!" Gon said.

Killua: "Time to see what you've got." Killua added.

Y/n: "Hopefully all that training you two have been doing hadn't been for nothing." You said to both of them.

Gon: "Yeah! We'll show you how strong we've gotten!" Gon said, itching to prove himself.

Then, the three of you arrive at the edge, To see an incredibly rocky area.

Gon: "This area is really rocky." Gon said, looking over the edge.

Killua: "Let's go for it!" Killua shouted as he and Gon jumped down.

Gon: "Yeah!" Gon shouted in agreeance.

Y/n: 'Because I want to see what they're capable of, I won't be helping.' You thought to yourself as you flew down after them.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now