Chimera Ants

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A/n: Okay, So I've actually used my peanut brain and thought of our appearance.

Also, this is entirely optional. You don't have to look like this if you dont want to. This is just what I imagine him as.

 This is just what I imagine him as

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The top one. Also, not my art. Also also, just imagine all the good ol Gojo features on that.

Essentially, Imagine Human Meruem, Plus the tail, Plus the Gojo stuff, Plus the clothes.

By the way, We no longer wear the blindfold. Six eyes all day every day baby.

Okay? Okay. Now for my masterpiece of a story.


Megumi: "Shizuku? What's wrong?" Megumi asked concerned.

Shizuku: "It's... It's Y/n..." Shizuku said.

Yuji: "What about Y/n? Did something happen to him?" Yuji asked.

Shizuku: "I don't know how to word it... But, He isn't Y/n anymore." Shizuku answered.

Megumi: "What do you mean?" Megumi asked confused.

Shizuku: "He's alive, thankfully. But... It's like he's been taken over or something." Shizuku said.

Nobara: "Okay... So, I have 2 Theories." Nobara started, making everyone urn toward her.

Nobara: "Number 1: According to Shizuku, Y/n is alive, but not himself. So that could either mean that he's under some kind of hypnosis, OR he's been taken over by an enemy, and that enemy is using his body for who knows what." Nobara said.

Megumi: "Honestly, I don't think that's the case. Y/n is smart enough to not fall for Hypnosis. And Infinity will stop anyone from trying to take him over, that's if they need to touch him, but still." Megumi retorted.

Nobara: "Agreed. And Number 2: This may seem a bit unrealistic, but it could still be an option." Nobara started.

Megumi: "And what would that be?" Megumi asked.

Nobara: "That Y/n is no longer human." Nobara said.

Yuji: "Yeahhhh... That is unrealistic." Yuji said, not believing her.

Nobara: "But it could still be possible! Either Y/n somehow became a Cursed Spirit, or he became something else." Nobara said.

Megumi: "As dumb as that sounds, That's more likely to happen than someone hypnotizing him or taking over his body." Megumi said.

Shizuku: "It doesn't matter." Shizuku started, getting their attention.

Shizuku: "He could've been taken over, turned into a cursed spirit, Hell, he could even be the person who caused that Surge of cursed energy. But it doesn't matter." Shizuku said.

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