Zoldyck Family

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We currently see Gon and friends in front of A massive gate, behind this gate is the Zoldyck family home, the only thing blocking Tourists from entering.

Leorio: "Would you look at that..." Leorio said, shocked at the sheer size of the gate.

Tour guide: "This is the front gate of the Zoldyck estate. No one who's entered has ever returned alive, which has earned this gate the nickname 'the Door to Hades.'" The tour guide explains.

Tour Guide: "To enter, you have to go through the door by the security checkpoint. But beyond that is private property, so this is as far as we can go." The tour guide says.

Leorio: "Hold on! This is the front gate? The Mountain is all the way over there!" Leorio says while pointing toward the mountain.

Tour guide: "Thats right. The Zoldyck family owns Kukuroo Mountain, every inch of it, not to mention all the surrounding land." The tour guide explained.

Leorio: "So, what you're saying is this is their front yard?" Leorio asks.

Gon: "Miss Tour Guide?" Gon says.

Tour Guide: "Yes?" The tour guide responds.

Gon: "What are we gonna have to do to get inside?" Gon asks while pointing at the Gate.

Tour Guide: "Hmm. Oh, dear. You were paying attention, right?" The tour guide asks.

Gon: "Yeah, but you didn't say-" Gon tries to say, but gets cut off by the Tour guide.

Tour Guide: "If you go inside, you'll never come out again! It's an assassin's hideout." The tour guide says, slightly annoyed.

Idiot: "It's a sham." Some guy says while walking up to the door.

Idiot: "A family of assassins no one's ever seen?" The Idiot says.

Idiot 2: "If we can just snap a picture of them, we're gonna get a hundred million in reward money." Another idiot carrying a huge buster sword said.

Leorio: "Are you kidding?! Damn it! I should have taken a picture of Killua!" Leorio said. Then, You hit him on the head.

Y/n: "You dumbass." You said while cracking your knuckles after punching Leorio into the pavement.

Idiot: "They probably rely on the mystique to protect them. I bet the truth is a whole lot less interesting." The Larger idiot said while barging into the guard's office.

Idiot: "Open up the gate!" The Idiot said while holding on to the guard.

Guard: "Im afraid I can't. The master of the house would not approve of such a thing." The guard said while being "threatened"

Idiot 2: "Dont worry about that. We kinda figured we'd kill your master anyway." Idiot 2 said cockily, not knowing he was gonna die in seconds.

The guard then hands the Larger Idiot the "key" to the gate, When he does this, The large idiot throws him to the ground.

Y/n: "Are you okay?" You said while running over to check on the old man.

Guard: "Yes, I'll be alright." The guard said while idiots opened the door.

Guard: "Oh, darn! The master hates it when Mike snacks between meals." The guard says.

Y/n: "What?" You asked confused, not knowing who 'Mike' is.

Then suddenly, yelling could be heard from inside the gate. Making everyone turn toward the gate in surprise.

Then suddenly, The door opens, putting everyone on high alert. Then, A large claw carrying the skeletons of the two Idiots comes out and drops them to the Ground, shocking everyone.

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