Chimera Ants

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We currently see Y/n, Kite, Gon, and Killua standing over the cliff.

Gon: "This is the Chimera Ant nest?" Gon asked.

Kite: "No. They don't dig holes... They use mud and droppings to build them." Kite explained.

Kite: "Let's go. You'll understand once we're inside." Kite said.

Then, they went inside.

Kite: "There's no telling when or from where they will attack. Be on your guard." Kite said.

Killua: "Yeah, got it. The other Chimera Ant completely concealed his presence." Killua said.

After a while of walking, they stumbled upon a room.

Gon: "Is this..?"

Kite: "Yes, this is the dark side of the NGL." Kite said.

Killua: "A narcotics factory." Killua said.

Kite: "Exactly. This factory produces the ingestible drug D2, which is the hot new drug on the mainland. Made from Bira trees. There must be a field nearby. Ironic given their claims as preservationists." Kite explained.

Killua: "They're making more than drugs. Look." Killua said, looking at a box of weapons.

Killua: "It's the same as the others." Killua said.

Kite: "I bet only the leaders of the NGL know the truth. The community members probably genuinely identify with the environmental message." Kite said.

Killua: "This facility is the core of rhe NGL underground, right? So, if it's empty..."

Kite: "Then Chimera Ants have wiped out the dark side. And a bunch of amateurs with guns had no chance against them." Kite said.

Gon: "What about their boss?" Gon asked.

Kite: "He either escaped or was eaten. Either way, it's bad news." Kite answered while shrugging.

Gon: "Huh? What do you mean?" Gon asked.

Then, Kite feels something.

Kite: "Shh! There are still a few around!" Kite said, getting Gon and Killua on guard.

Kite: "They're slowly approaching through the middle tunnel." Kite said while walking.

Kite: "There are more in the left and right tunnels." Kite said.

Killua: 'En!' Killua thought to himself.

Killua: "What's your search radius?" Killua asked.

Kite: "Everything within a forty-five-meter radius." Kite answered.

Gon: "F-Forty-five meters?" Gon asked surprised.

Kite: "Depending on my physical and mental condition, I can increase that by a few meters. Here they come." Kite said.

Then, A Chimera Ant with 2 people on leashes came out.

Ant: "Keep it down, you two." He said while pulling the chains around their necks, making them choke.

Ant: "Who the hell are you guys? How dare you intrude on my turf?" The ant asked.

Guy: "Help... Please help us!" The guy begged.

Ant: "Shut up, Spot-!" But as he was about to stomp on his head, he suddenly starts sweating.

Ant: 'What the hell? Why do I feel so scared all of a sudden?' The ant thought to himself.

Then, he looked toward you... Only to see death staring back.

Ant: 'Is it him thats making me feel like this? He's just a brat! Why am I so frightened?!' He asked himself, trying to gain the courage to move.

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