Heavens Arena

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Hisoka: "D-Do you know if he's alive in there or not?" Hisoka asked, hoping that whatever is in the prison realm doesn't kill you.

Killua: "Nope. For all we know he's dead and rotting in there. But there is a chance he isn't." Killua responded bluntly.

Hisoka: "Have you tried breaking it? Maybe he could be released that way." Hisoka suggested, trying to find a way to get you out.

Killua: "Don't wanna risk it. Who knows? If we break this, he may be stuck in there forever. A risk like that isn't worth taking." Killua said.

Hisoka: "I guess you're right." Hisoka responded.

Hisoka: "Anyway, I have a bit of a warning for both of you. You're still not ready to set foot on this floor. Not by a long shot." Hisoka said as he waved his wand, blowing them back a bit.

Hisoka: "When you'll be ready depends on your efforts. For now, leave this floor. It's far too early." Hisoka said as he sat down.

Killua: "Wait, what?! That's stupid! We just got up here!" Killua said as he tried to walk forward, but was stopped by Hisoka.

Hisoka: "I won't let you pass. But it's not like you could anyway." Hisoka said as he used Ren.

Killua: 'W-What the hell?!' Killua thought to himself as he was being pushed back by Hisokas Ren.

Gon: 'What is this?!' Gon thought to himself while being pushed back.

Wing: "Dont be reckless!" Wing shouted from around the corner.

Wing: "What he's saying is true. You have no defense against his Nen. As it stands, you're both naked in a blizzard, both of you wondering why it's so cold. If you continue to strain your bodies, you may die." Wing explained.

Killua: "So, this is Nen? He can stop us from moving forward through willpower? You liar!" Killua said angrily.

Wing: "Yes. I was lying. Though some of what I said was technically true. I will teach you the truth about Nen. So, for the time being, I suggest we withdraw." Wing said.

Gon: "Uh 'scuse me..." Gon said while looking at the staffer.

Gon: "If we don't register for a fight today, how would that affect us?" Gon asked.

Staffer: "Well, you would have to start all over again from the first floor. Killua, however... he's been here before and refused to register. So, if he fails to do so again, his commitment will be called into question and he will be banned from participating." The staffer explained.

Killua: "Mr. Wing. If we withdraw, will we be able to make it back here by midnight?" Killua asked.

Wing: "That all depends on you." Wing responded.

-Cut to Wing's room.-

Wing: "Simply put this is Nen. Nen refers to the ability to control your "aura" which, as you may know, is also known as life energy. Everyone in the world has a small amount of life energy. But in most cases, it simply leaks away." Wing explains.

Wing: "The ability to build up and contain this life energy is known as Ten. Using Ten, you can make your body tougher and considerably slow the effects of aging." Wing explains.

Wing: "The comes Zetsu which shuts off the flow of aura. It's quite effective for concealing your presence from others and recovering from fatigue." Wing explains.

Wing: "Which brings us to Ren, it enables you to produce more aura." Wing explains.

Wing: "Can you feel that?" Wing asks as he uses a more toned-down version of Ren.

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