Greed Island

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We currently see Team Gon and their new allies inside the building, rechallenging Razor and his pirates.

Razor: "Let's start with boxing." Razor said.

Pirate: "Im about to send you packing." The pirate said with confidence.

Killua: "His special ability is teleportation." Killua said.

Gon: "He can teleport his uppercut." Gon said.

Y/n: "Teleportation is boring." You added.

Razor: "Fight!" Razor said, starting the fight.

Then, he almost immediately charges at the pirate.

Pirate: 'H-He's fast! So he's an infighter?' The pirate thought to himself.

Then, he started to deliver a vicious rush of punches.

Player: 'If im close enough, there are no advantages for an Emitter! He'll be so busy guarding, he won't have a chance to use teleportation!' The player thought to himself.

Then, he proceeded to deliver a punch to the gut.

Y/G/K: "Nice!" You, Gon, and Killua said at the same time.

Tsezguerra: 'The pattern inscribed on the ring is called "Divine Script" and it serves to augment Nen. In other words, he can only teleport while standing within the ring. Essentially, he's advertising that he isn't all that strong. An opponent unworthy of us.' Tsezguerra thought to himself as the player knocked out his opponent.

Razor: "The winner is Barry!" Razor announced.

Y/n: "Thats how you do it." You said while nodding.

Gon: "We did it!" Gon shouted.

Then, they proceeded to win at bowling.

Razor: "The winner is Rodriot!" Razor said.

Then, they proceed to win at Basketball.

Razor: "The winner is Kess!" Razor said.

Killua: "Alright!" Killua shouted victoriously.

Gon: "That's three wins!" Gon said.

Razor: 'In terms of combat strength, those seven are very strong. This is getting interesting.' Razor thought to himself.

Razor: "You guys can toss your matches. I'll take it from here." Razor said.

Pirate: "Roger that." The pirate responded.

Pirate: "Wait! Im done following your orders. I'll be doing things my own way now." The pirate said as he took off his hat.

Pirate: "Hey, brat! Let's step outside!" The pirate said while looking at you.

Y/n: "Outside? Don't you mean the sumo ring?" You asked.

Pirate: "Im done messing around. Want me to kill you right here?" The pirate asked while walking toward you.

Pirate: "Hey, Bopobo!" The pirate said stopping him.

Razor: "That's a violation of our agreement. Want to go back to jail, Bopobo?" Razor asked.

Bopobo: "I don't give a damn! Im done playing this stupid game!" Bopobo responded.

Bopobo: "Who's with me? If we team up, we can crush that bastard. And then we can use a boat and get off this island!" Bopobo said.

Then, Razor proceeded to throw a Nen Volleyball at his face, blowing his head up and killing him instantly.

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