Yorknew City

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Y/n: "H-Hey Megumi, Just calm down. You dont HAVE to do this..." You said while backing away slowly, fearing the power of a pissed-off father.

Yuji: "Yeah! Besides, he isn't a bad person!" Yuji added, trying to get you out of this situation.

Megumi: "You little bastard... Why didn't you tell me you were dating my daughter?" Megumi asked sweetly while walking toward you, making you tremble with fear.

Y/n: "W-Well... The topic never came up, And cmooon... I won't hurt her, not now not ever... So dont kill me!" You said as he stopped moving.

Megumi: "Hmm. I see." Megumi said as he put his hands in a sign.

Megumi: "Divine Dogs... Go and feast!" Megumi ordered, making the dogs bolt toward you.

Y/n: "WHY?!" You shouted while dashing away, Dogs hot on your tail.

Megumi: "Little shit." Megumi said under his breath, making the others sweatdrop.

Nobara: "Megumi... Isn't that a bit... Too far?" Nobara asked, thinking that Megumi was a bit too extreme.

Yuji: "Yeah! You barely even knew him and you assumed he was a terrible person!" Yuji shouted angrily.

Satoru: "Also, they can't even hurt him anyway, unless your Dogs can use Domain expansion or something, which I doubt." Satoru said.

Megumi: "Yeah, they can't. Y/n should realize that, about...."

Y/n: "HA! MORON! YOUR LITTLE DOGS CAN'T HURT ME! HAHAHAHA!!" You shouted victoriously as the dogs tried to bite you, but your Infinity stopped them.

Megumi: "...Now." Megumi said.

Y/n: "Now what?" You asked, not knowing what he was talking about.

Yuji: "Hey, you were right. Can you dispel your dogs now?" Yuji asked as Megumi dispelled his Dogs.

Y/n: "Finally, Now, we need to talk about something. A bit of a problem." You said.

Nobara: "...About?" Nobara asked, being clueless.

Y/n: "Sukuna." You said seriously.


Zenji: "One, two, three, four, five, six. It looks like everyone is here." Zenji said.

Mafioso: "No, not yet." He added.

Zenji: "What? I thought the team had eight members." Zenji said confused.

Mafioso: "Nostrade is sending over one additional person." He said.

Zenji: "Ugh! That brown-noser with the fake fortune-telling, eh?" Zenji said.

Kurapikas: 'It's them! The bastards who sealed Y/n!' Kurapika thought to himself, Eyes turning scarlet by the sight of Zeno and Silva.

Kurapika: 'No. I can't lash out at them right now. I have more important things to do.' Kurapika thought to himself, calming himself down.

Zenji: "Alright, we got everyone all together? Your mission is to wipe out the Phantom Troupe. When the auction kicks off again tonight, they may come out of hiding. If they do, eliminate them any way you see fit." Zenji explained.

Assassin 1: "So, all of us are going after the same target? We should pick out some code names to use for each other." He said.

Assassin 2: "Let's use colors. You can just call me "Blue." "He added.

Assassin 3: "I'll be red." The third assassin said.

Zeno: "It's like a game, isn't it?" Zrno asked.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now