Hunter Exam

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The Arena was nearly destroyed. There wasn't even anything to fight on anymore. It was just a crater.

The competitors watching were also knocked away and we're currently getting up to try and figure out what happened.

Hanzo: "Oh god... What happened?" Hanzo said as he got up from the pile of rubble he was buried under after the sheer destruction you and netero caused.

Leorio: "H-Holy Crap... Are those two even human?" Leorio said as he also got up from the pile of rubble.

Kurapika: "No Leorio. No, they're not." Kurapika said bluntly, concluding that you're too powerful to be human.

Gon: "Hey guys, you alright?" Gon asked in a concerned tone, Hoping that none of his friends were hurt by any rocks that flew by.

Killua: "We're fine Gon. But what about y/n?" Killua asked, making everyone immediately look toward the arena for you.

After the clash, your clothes we completely tattered. Half of your shirt was destroyed along with your right pant leg. You were also struggling to stand up due to stamina loss, from fighting for several hours and using Hollow purple, which was a technique you didn't have full control over yet.

Y/n: "Ugh... God this sucks. I haven't been like this in who knows how long... Wonder how Netero is doing?" You said while tired.

Then, you see Netero get up. He was tired as well but not as tired as you were. He also looked a bit skinnier than usual.

Netero: "Can you still fight?" Netero said while visibly tired.

Y/n: "Yeah, But I have one last trick up my sleeve." You said tiredly.

You then cross the fingers on your right hand. Netero recognized this, But he didn't get to experience what this was due to Satoru backing out on using it. So he was a bit scared but also excited as to what was about to happen.

Y/n: "Domain Expansion: Infinite-" But before you could cast it, You passed out, Resulting in Netero being the winner.

Netero: "Dammit. He passed out before he could use it. Ah well, Im sure I'll get a chance to see this "Domain Expansion" some other time." Netero said. Slightly sad that he once again didn't get to see what this mysterious 'Domain Expansion' was.

Netero: "Ok! Well, He passed out. That means that I win. We will continue with the regular fights as soon as the arena is repaired.." Netero said as he lifted your body and walked toward the infirmary

Netero: "By the way, Y/n here passes the hunter exam. And will be given his license once he wakes up." Netero explained as he went off to another room and put you onto a bed.

Illumi: 'This could be my chance... But the chairman is still up and active... And I dont know If I could take him even when he's tired.' Illumi thought to himself while he watched you being carried away.

Hisoka, who just knew what Illumi was thinking, give him a warning.

Hisoka: "Illumi. Y/n is mine, Dont you lay a finger on him." Hisoka said threateningly.

Illumi: "Fine." Illumi said begrudgingly.

Illumi REALLY wanted to get rid of you as soon as possible due to the threat that you could impose to the Zoldycks and to what he's about to do when he confronts Killua.

Netero then walks out and orders all of the guards to repair the arena, One of them apparently had a nen ability that allowed them to repair things, which made this process faster.

After several minutes of repairing the arena, it was good as new, as if nothing ever happened.

Netero: "Alright, now that the arena is repaired. Will Gon and Hanzo please step up into the ring?" Netero asked, prompting Gon and Hanzo to prepare to fight.

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