Hunter Exam

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Satotz: "Oh, good. You're awake." Satotz said as he closed the book that he was reading.

Gon: "What happened?" Gon asked. One minute he was fighting Hanzo, the next he was in a completely different room.

Satotz: "In a waiting room that is next to the arena for the final phase." Satotz answered Gon.

Gon: "Oh right. I was in the middle of the hunter exam." Gon said, finally remembering what happened.

Satotz: "Your arm will be fine by the way. The break was clean and easily set. In fact, that limb will be even stronger once it mends." Satotz said.

Satotz: "In any case, congratulations on your win, Gon." Satotz said while holding out his arm for a handshake.

Gon: "Mr. Satotz, I-" But before he could ask, he gets cut off.

Satotz: "You can't. Just as someone who has failed the hunter exam can no longer pass, someone who has passed the hunter exam can no longer fail. What you make of it is entirely up to you." Satotz said.

Satotz: "If you feel you are unqualified to be a professional, you may put away your license. Or destroy it, if you wish. You can even sell it, though it's of no practical use to anyone else." Satotz explained, suggesting Gon ways to get rid of his license if he ever wants to.

Satotz: "However, you have officially passed the hunter exam, and no one who passes it will be allowed to retake it." Satotz explained.

Satotz: "Due to efforts of our predecessors, professional hunters are treated quite well. As a result, there is no end to applicants seeking a license for the worst intentions. If it weren't for the likes of them, we would gladly pass everyone who applies, without exception." Satotz said as he opened a book with Gon's license in it.

Satotz: "Most professional hunters value this card even above their own lives. All the same, it's nothing more than a silly piece of junk. What's important is not the way that you become a hunter, but what you do." Satotz said, going on an entire speech about why Gon shouldn't be mad that Hanzo surrendered against him.

Gon: "What I do, huh?" Gon asked himself.

Satotz: "Gon. You must decide for yourself when you're ready to use this card. Im confident you'll make the right choice." Satotz said as he handed Gon his license.

Gon: "You know, I got a lot of help to get this far, and I owe a lot of people a bunch of favors. Once I've paid everyone back, then I think I'll be ready." Gon explained.

Satotz: "Then please allow me the honor of congratulating you once again." Satotz said as he held out his hand once more.

Gon: "Thank you, Mr. Satotz." Gon said as he shook his hand.

Gon: "What happened to the other applicants? The Exam's still going on, right?" Gon asked.

Satotz: "Oh, no. The exam has already ended." Satotz said, catching gon by surprise.

Gon: "Seriously?" Gon asked with disbelief in his voice.

Satotz: "Thats right. You've been out for almost the entire day." Satotz said, catching Gon by surprise again.

Gon: "The entire day?" Gon asked with surprise evident in his voice.

Satotz: "The others who passed are completing a brief orientation, the same orientation you'll undergo later." Satotz explained.

Gon: "Who wound up failing?" Gon asked.

Satotz: "It was... Killua." Satotz said.

Gon: "Killua failed? But why?" Gon asked, shocked that someone of Killuas caliber failed.

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