Greed Island

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Killua: "We made it through!" Killua shouted victoriously.

Gon: "Yeah, we did that was great!" Gon said in agreeance.

Gon: "We must've gone five kilometers today!" Gon said.

Killua: "At first, I thought it would take years, but at this pace? Hello, Masadora!" Killua shouted.

Gon: "For the second time!" Gon shouted.

Bisky: "Okay! Back to the same place again!" Bisky said.

G/K: "Again?!" Killua and Gon shouted.

Y/n: "You're absolutely merciless. It's kind of funny really." You said while chuckling.


Bisky: "Next, we're going to work on collecting monster cards. You have the required physical strength to defeat every enemy here. But what you lack is the ability to strategize and think on your feet while fighting an enemy. In other words, combat analysis skills!" Bisky explained.

Gon: "Combat...?"

Killua: "Analysis skills?" Gon and killua asked.

Bisky: "I'm not going to say anything, so figure out your own way of defeating the monsters." Bisky said.

Gon then finds the weak, yet fast monster, and starts to chase it around.

Bisky: 'Still, the game's creators are pretty smart. It's programmed so the player is guaranteed to get stronger as they progress. And most likely, it's all to make that child stronger.' Bisky thought to herself as Gon grabbed the monster's tail, receiving the card.

Gon: "Yes! I got the Hyper Puffball!" Gon said victoriously.

Then, Sometime later, Killua encounters that Giant Lizard that he couldn't fight before.

Bisky: 'One must battle a variety of enemies in Nen combat. The most critical battle skill is the ability to think fast! First, you must get used to thinking all the time, until your thought processes are tied to your reflexes. This game is a training regimen to help you achieve that.' Bisky thought to herself as Killua defeated the giant Lizard, getting its card.


Bisky: 'The hardest monster in this area is the Bubble Horse. Once they clear that, they'll complete the second phase.' Bisky thought to herself as Gon and Killua encountered the bubble horse.

Gon: "I gotcha!" Gon shouted as he grabbed the bubble horse, getting its card.

Gon: "I got a Bubble Horse!" Gon shouted.

Y/n: "Good job Gon." You said while giving him a thumbs up.

Bisky: 'When it comes to analysis and physical strength, Killua's stronger. But Gon makes up for it with his concentration and lightning-fast recovery speed. They make a perfect team!' Bisky thought to herself.

Bisky: "Okay, we'll now begin defensive training!" Bisky said as she activated Ko.

Gon: "Hey, Is that...?" Gon asked, recognizing the technique.

Bisky: "That's right, Gon. This is the technique you've been using. Ten, Zetsu, Ren, Hatsu, and Gyo are combined in this technique, called Ko! You focus all of your aura into one part of your body, then attack. This gives it far greater power than your regular attacks. I'm going to attack with my fist. You must block my attacks. You may not dodge." Bisky explained, making Gon and Killua gasp a bit.

Bisky: "Have you figured it out? That's right. If you use your aura to block normally, you'll take considerable damage. So, what should you do?" Bisky asked.

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