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I took a deep breath as I clicked on her contact and pressed call. I knew that she already knew about what happened between me and Ry. Ry's mother always had a sweet spot for me, her father on the other hand never believed that I could treat his daughter right. He hated me and I can't imagine how he feels about me now.

She picked up on the third ring "why are you calling my phone, Gio?" she said
"I just wanted to get in contact with Rylan. She hasn't been answering her phone and I know she is there. Can you please tell her to answer the phone or call me?" I said basically pleading with her. I missed Rylan so much and our daughter. I couldn't function without them.
" There is a reason she isn't responding to you. I trusted you Gio and you go and do something like this? She will call you when she feels like it. You and I both know that she still loves you, she just needs time." She said with so much emotion in her voice. Almost as if what I did hurt her too.

"Please just tell her I need to talk to her and that I love her." With that I hung up the phone. I knew what she was saying was true. I betrayed both of them.
Truth be told I felt like shit. I needed to ease my mind. I got my keys and wallet and walked out the door.

Rylan's POV

"Girl I told you that man was gonna cheat on you. Ain't no man like that finna stay down" my friend Normani said as she smacked on some barbecue lays chips.
I sighed . I hated how she used the term man like that. I mean sure Gio was a player when he met me but I though that that was all past us. You would think the fact that he got my name literally tattooed on him would me he would be loyal to me. Nope.

That bitch was a dog. I had went to stay with my friend, Normani in Florida and I took Lily with me ofcourse. I needed a break from New York and plus I hadn't seen Normani in a while and so I decided to make a surprise visit and after I told her what happened she offered To let me stay with her until I found my own place. I planned on being in Florida for at least a few months and I didn't wanna leech off of her.

" don't say it like that. He had changed. I just don't know what happened. Was I not crazy enough during sex?" I said making hand gestures.
She laughed, after a few minutes she paused and set her chips down.

"Okay girl, spill the tea. How was the sex? Since you ain't with him anymore you don't gotta be shy cause every time I asked you in the past you would be like noooo that's between me and him. Like girl come on give me details! Is he big?" She said way too fast but somehow I got what she was saying. I never liked talking about my sex life because it always seemed weird. But I decided I might as well just as once.

" to answer your question the sex was always spontaneous and never dull. About the question about his size, he is still my husband and imma keep that to myself" I said slightly blushing.

She looked at me for a moment and said " girl. Come onnnn!! Just tell meee!! I need to know. So when I castrate him I'll know if the job will be easy or hard." 
I sighed and finally gave her the information she wanted " yes he is in quotation marks big. There are you happy?" She nodded her head real fast.
" anyways girl, you need to stop all this sulking. You killing the vibe. Let's go out! Like we used to when we were in college."

" I don't want to. And who would watch Lily?" I said raising a brow.
" girl my sister can. She was supposed to come over here anyways." She said standing up to grab her phone that was all the way in the kitchen.

"You mean Nia? Isn't she like a senior this year?"
"Yeah but you know she loves kids and it's not like you don't know her" she said coming from out the kitchen with her phone.
"What would I wear?" I said.
" girl I got something for you."
"Fine" I said not wanting to get into an argument.

I looked at the TV as I inhaled the weed from the blunt my friend, Alexander had given me. It had been a while since I had smoked. I didn't feel like I needed to for the past couple of years because my girls were always there. I didn't need a drug to make me feel good.

But now I didn't have my girls.
" So you telling me this bitch just straight walked out?" Alexander said looking at me.
"Don't call her a bitch but yes." I said taking another puff.
" Damn. That's some fuck shit. Sorry bro."
" I mean I understand why she did it. I did cheat on her" I said looking down in shame.

" I mean I ain't even finna lie, you deserved that shit. What the fuck were you doing cheating on her? Rylan is fine as fuck. You shouldn't be worried about her not coming back to you. You need to be worried about her fucking some other guy. That shit happened to me. Women are petty as shit."
I took the time to think about what he said.
I pray to God that she wasn't out there fucking anyone because that shit would break me. Not having her here was already taking it's toll on me but that shit would fucking kill me.

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