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I smiled as I heard the voice of Mikael. He was someone I met during a night out. He was really sweet and very handsome.

"Hey I was just seeing what you were up to." I said shyly.

"You sound like something is wrong and frankly I don't think you would normally be up at this time." He said and I could hear the concern in his voice.

" and you should know better than to regular call me. FaceTime me" he said, assertively which was kinda sexy.

I FaceTimed him and was delighted to see him at the gym. He had the camera propped up and I could see him setting up for his next set.

He was so sexy. But I couldn't help but to compare him to Gio. This is why I wouldn't give him a chance despite him being literally perfect.

His muscles flexed as he picked up the weight to put on the bar. Mikael was the definition of tall, dark and handsome.

He had a lean but muscular build. He had to be at least 6'3 and he was so beautiful. He had hazel eyes that complimented his rich dark skin. And his smile was perfect.

"I can't see you that well because you are far away but I know you look beautiful as always." He said with a charming smile on his face.

"No I do not. I look ratchet" I said with a laugh.

"I highly doubt that. Any look suits you." He said getting ready to do his set.

"Now tell me what is wrong" he said starting his set.
I heard him controlled breathing and he lifted the weight with ease.

I watched his muscles flex and could feel my panties dampen. Damn this man was fine.



I woke up at around 10 because I just needed the sleep. I didn't go to be until 3 in the morning. I have just been stressing about everything.

I didn't know how to mend me and RY's relationship and Raula was driving me crazy. With all these accusations.

I couldn't fully blame her for not trusting me. I have and will always be attracted to Ry. The sad part about it was that if Ry wanted me I would jump at the opportunity. It made me want to cut things off with Raula completely but in some ways I needed her right now.

I needed to have someone to come home to and to make love to even if it wasn't Ry. Though I desperately wanted it to be.

I sighed as Raula entered the room. I didn't want to say anything to her.

"Are you going to apologize for what you said?"
She said with her arms crossed. She was still talking about the shit I said about Ry.

"No I won't because I meant every word." I said still staying in my position in bed.

She just walked away and I could tell she was about to cry. I felt bad because I knew I hurt her but we are both hurt. And I'm too selfish to let her go.

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