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As I was in line to get Lily's gelato, my phone started to vibrate in my pants meaning someone was calling me. I looked at the caller ID and contemplated answering the phone. I decided to answer even though I was nervous as hell.

"Where the hell are you with my child?" I heard Ry yell through the phone. Even though I could tell she was angry I still can't lie I loved hearing her voice.
I couldn't help the smile that came across my face as I heard my ex wife shout at me. I missed her.

"I'm getting ice cream for our daughter." I said calmly.
"You had no right to just take her and not say anything." She said quietly, it seemed like she had gotten to a place with a lot of people given the voices in the background.
"I'm at Valentina's" I told her, still calm.
"I'm on my way and you better still be there" she said and then hung up.

I start to put my phone away when Raula facetimes me from the car. I answer and smile at the sight of her beautiful face.

"Baby can you get me a vanilla ice cream please!" She says I'm a sing songy manner which makes me laugh.
"Ofcourse my lady" I say mimicking a British accent which was horrible.

She laughed and said thank you and hung up. Ten minutes go by and I'm the next person in line finally. I have been waiting forever but my baby wanted gelato so I can't not get it for her. I hear the door chime and see Raula approaching me. She smiles at me but I don't smile back.

Why did she leave my kid in the car by herself. And this women wants kids? This is exactly why me and her would never have kids together. She is so irresponsible.

" what's wrong?" She askes when she reaches me.
I just look her dead in her eyes questioning why I'm engaged to this women in the first place.

"Why did you leave my four year old daughter in the car by herself?" I say with anger lacing my voice.
" I'm sorry I just really wanted to see what you were doing" she said almost stuttering.

As I start walking past her towards the door, Rylan bursts in the door with Lily by her side.
"Why the hell is my child in the car by herself with the air turned off and windows rolled up?!" Rylan yells catching the attention of everyone there.

I take a moment to look at her and God damn. Still fine as fuck.

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