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I decided to go to my favorite coffee shop because Gio didn't want to be bothered with me anyways. These days honestly I feel so lonely.

I do everything in my power to satisfy Gio but I'm not good enough because I know deep down what he is looking for is quite literally his ex wife.

I couldn't compete with her and it pissed me off. She has the baby with him that I desperately wanted. And she had Gio's love. I refuse to believe that Gio loved me but I can't let him go. At least not without a fight.

As the waiter brought me my coffee and donut I heard the chime of the door.
It was Rylan and this man. I had never seen him before. It made my skin boil just looking at her. How could she talk to another man when she knew a man like Gio wanted her? But truth be told that would mean she was out of my hair but I wonder if Gio's feelings would change learning this.

I quickly took a photo of the two. I sent it to Gio and I couldn't wait to see what he would do.

Ry's POV
I was at a coffee shop with Mikael. After our talk we decided around lunch time to meet up at a coffee shop. I needed to take my mind off of things and so far he understood the assignment.

He was so charming and sweet. After a while I heard my phone ring and realize that it was Lily's babysitter.

I answered quickly not bothering to excuse myself because Mikael just got it.

"Hey Ry. I'm just calling because Lily wanted to say hey and wouldn't stop bugging me. " "LET ME TALK TO HER!" I chuckled when I heard Lily in the background.

I hear shuffling and finally I hear Lily "Hey mommy"
Hearing her makes me smile. "Hey pumpkin. What are you doing?" I said actually interested.

"We were just making cookies." She said kinda trailing off at the end.
"Is there something you wanted to ask?" I said because she only does that when she wants something.

" well papa said that he wanted to take me to Italy to see nona. I really wanna go mama" I paused for a minute

"Let me call you back, Lily" I said as if she had a phone. Well I could always FaceTime her on her IPad.

I excused myself from Mikael and went to the restroom,

I called him in which he answered on the second ring .
I was furious. And he was about to hear it.

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