
791 26 4

Rylan P.O.V
As I detangled my hair with my wide tooth comb a thought popped into my head. Well more like a feeling. I felt guilty. Lily was so confused as to why we were here and she kept asking to see her dad and I didn't know how to explain this situation to her. I know I had to do something even though I didn't want to.
With a deep breath I grabbed my phone off of the bathroom counter and clicked on his contact and called him.

It went straight to voicemail so I decided to leave a message " I went to Florida with Lily. We are staying with Normani. I just need space and time to think. No I don't want to take Lily from you. I still want you to be in her life and she misses you and she keeps asking for you so when you get this please call me so that you can speak to your child and we need to discuss some things"  with that I hung up the phone.

I couldn't believe this was my life now. I never imagined this would happen to me. I was 26 with a 2 years old daughter and a cheating husband who just happened to be a great father which is why I have to make a move to talk to him. Lily shouldn't be punished for this. I tried to convince myself that was the only reason I called him but deep down I knew it wasn't true.
Truth be told I missed him. So much it hurt.

I couldn't help but think of all the moments we shared together. He always treated me like a queen. Where did I go wrong? I made sure I kept myself desirable to him. I tried to stay in shape even after I had my daughter. I didn't have the smallest body ever. Maybe that was it. Maybe he didn't find me attractive anymore.

Maybe he was just tired of me. But he always told me he loved my body and I was the most beautiful women he knew. I forced myself to stop thinking about it. It hurt to much to even think about it.  
I put my hair into a messy bun so that I could go check on Lily.

I walked into the room me and her shared in Normani's two bedroom apartment. I found her watching her Sophia the First. She loves that show. She always wanted to be a princess. I laughed at the thought. Her father always called her his princess. He treated her like one too. Moving into the room I sat on the bed next to her. " it's bath time, Lily!" I said picking her up and placing her in my lap.

Some people said she was too big for this but she was still my baby. She giggled and chanted "bath time!!" I smiled and started to walk to the bathroom .

I sighed as I watched the football game on the tv at the bar as I sipped my whiskey. It was nasty as hell but it gave me the affect I needed right now.
I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to a women. I mean yes she was beautiful but not as beautiful as my baby.  She smiled as she spoke "you seem like you could use a friend"
"Not really" I said flatly.
"Look I'm not that type of girl, you just seem really down." I looked into her blue eyes. She seemed genuine. "You can talk to me" she said placing her hand on the my hand that was laying on the table.

I removed her hand from mine and thought. What did I have to lose? For some reason she seemed genuine. Why not?

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