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Rylan's POV

All of my calls were never answered. I called 5 times and still no luck. Really? Wasn't I supposed to be the one ignoring him? I sighed as I got out of bed to go get a glass of water, careful not to wake Lily. It was a little after 11 and I was the only one still awake, which wasn't shocking at all because these days I couldn't sleep. 

I guess I didn't realize how used to being wrapped up at night I was. I mean I had been married for 5 years. At that point who wouldn't be? 

I missed Gio. I thought about him alot. He didn't answer my calls and I didn't know what else to do.

Gio's POV

I stared at the sealing in my bedroom, drunk off my ass. I actually had fun tonight. She was a much needed distraction. After I went home I took a shower and laid in bed. I missed her so much, it pained me. 

I couldn't sleep which was to be expected. I haven't slept very well since they left. Guilt has eaten away at me for a while now. I checked my phone squinting my eyes at the light. 

It was bright. Way too bright for my liking. 


When I was who had called me my heart stopped. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to my phone. I didn't know whether to call her back or wait till morning. It was 2 am and I knew she might be sleep but my judgement was clouded by the alcohol in my system 

Rylan POV

I was awaken by the sound of my phone ringing. Without looking I answered it " Hello?" I said tiredly. I heard breathing before the person spoke. 

" Love, How are you?" Gio said sounding as swooningly sexy as always with his deep accented voice. 

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