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Rylan POV
"So this one or this one. I need your opinion" my personal assistant Diego said, holding up two colors that looked the exact same.
I shook my head and smiled. "They are the exact same D!" I said laughing.
"Whatever girl! We will go with chartreuse!" He said with as much attitude as can be.

We were planning for my company ball. It was to announce that one fourth of the proceeds would go to LoVe Plus, a charity that I created for the therapy of young mothers who have lost a child. After losing Amelia I really needed therapy and thank God that I had the money to go to it.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing. Answering it I looked around my office as I watched Diego exit the room with a wan fool of sas and attitude.

"Hello Ms. Rollin, I was calling regarding your daughter Liliana Esposito" the woman over the phone said.

"What is wrong??" I asked becoming alarmed.

"She has got into a bit of an altercation with one of the other girls. We just wanted to alert you and ask that you come to pick her up because she is being sent home for the rest of the day."

"Okay I'm on my way"

As I was on my way to her pre school I wondered what had gotten into her. She was always a sweet girl. She was never violent.

As I approached the door to her pre school I could see her the principal through the clear large window but Lily was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Lily?" I asked as I reached the principle's office.

"A man came in and he identified as her father"
She said.

In that moment I felt angry. How could she give him my child. And I knew he was with that bitch.
Without a word I stormed out and dialed a number I hadn't in years. I hoped he still had the same number.


As I drove down the road with Lily in her car seat in the backseat my mind wondered to her mother. I still loved her, I don't think I could ever stop. She was and still is the love of my life.
I look over to Raula in the passenger seat and immediately feel guilty as I realize she is already looking at me.

"Papa can we get gelato" I heard my principessa a yell from the backseat.
Smiling, looking at her in the rear view mirror, I say " of course! It's right down the road from here, mini io", she smiles with her adorable dimples that she got from me. Seeing her happy brings me such joy.

I love her more than life itself. As I pulled into the ice cream place, I heard my phone ring. I ignored the call after seeing who it was. I still had her contact saved the exact same way it always had been "Amore mio❤️😩". I declined it as I heard Lily yell " I want cioccolato, papa"

I smiled hard as hell and said " okay principessa"

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