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Ry's POV
"Her surgery was successful" I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders as those words left the doctors lips.

I couldn't help but smile up at Mykael who beamed down at me and kissed my forehead as he held me, rocking me to and fro.

Gio glanced at me and I could practically see the rage in his eyes but it was only momentarily as he inquired about when it would be possible to see her.

"She is unconscious now but I suppose now is fine. She is in recovery now and will soon be moved to an actual room. She will need to stay for a few days so we are able to monitor her" the doctor said as I nodded my head and we all followed towards Lily's room.

As we entered my baby girl was right there. She was sleeping obviously so all I could do was kiss her forehead and sit next to her as he body only took up half the bed.

Gio approached and also kissed her head and held her hand. Funny enough Raula looked uncomfortable as hell. Well I guess that's what you have to deal with when you are engaged to a man with who has already had a life and family before you.

Gio's POv

Sharing this moment with Ry was something I didn't think would happen after we divorced. It was horrible circumstances but it almost reminded me of the times we would spend together with Lily. Just the three of us.


3 Years ago

"I can't believe she is one tomorrow" I said fondly eyed our sleeping daughter in her bed.
"I know but now that we have another one on the way I guess we will get to do it all over again" Ry said coming to stand next me next, grabbing my arm.

I couldn't help but touch her small slightly round belly. I was so excited. We were having another girl. I never thought about having kids until I met Ry. She made me want a family and to be a husband and a father was so much more fulfilling than living a life of meaningless sex and just work.

I loved having a family to come home to everyday.

" Just exactly what "it" are you talking about?" I said kissing her neck. I know what she meant but she was so adorable when she blushed like that.

Seeing her flustered was honestly one of the cutest things ever.

She hid her head in my chest and said " you know exactly what I meant. Can you go one second without thinking about sex?"

"I could If you didn't look like you do but you are still and will always be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." I said meaning every word.

I couldn't see myself being with another women once I had her. I knew from the moment she allowed me to make love to her that I wouldn't want anyone else.

"Anyways, I'm just gonna go to bed now, you are so horny. Like literally what the hell. You will not leave me alone. You are a dog" she said pointing her manicured finger in my face and turning away to leave.

As she was leaving the room I swooped her up and carried her to our bedroom. She was right. I was horny. And I wanted her.

I threw her on the bed. A soft groan came out of her mouth which made harder than I already was.

I told her to take off her clothes. Once she was done I couldn't help but admire her body. The things that point out to me we her stretch marks that she hated but I loved. I found them beautiful and still couldn't believed she grew my child and was growing another one. I slowly approached her and kissed  the stretch marks on her hips telling her how beautiful she was.


I shook my head at the memory. I had fucked up bad. As I looked at her now I still felt the same. I didn't want anyone but her. She was still the most beautiful women I had seen. She was the best I had ever had. No women had pleaded me sexually like she did.

I missed her but I couldn't allow myself to fuck her up even more with my bullshit.

I still had to marry Raula. It had to happen. I was going to let it happen.

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