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Ry's POV

I watched Gio as he crouched down to kiss my pregnant belly. Amelia was growing so fast I swear.
I was now officially 6 months and 2 weeks. With about 2 months left me and Gio were preparing our nursery and had thankfully received so many cute clothes.

"I love you even though I haven't met you" Gio said caressing my belly. When he stood up to his full height I looked up at him expecting my kiss.

He delivers as he kisses me, wrapping his hand around my waist.
The kiss is full of emotion. He pulls back and looks into my eyes and sincerely says "Thank you for being the mother to my children. And I'm serious, we are gonna keep trying until we get a boy" I slap him playfully.

"No. Girls are the move and that's all it seems that you can have" I say laughing.

Gio always wanted a junior. Too damn bad.
"We will see about that. Watch our next baby will be a boy" he says

"No she won't." I said but my smile dropped as I felt a pain in my stomach.

Gio noticed my change in demeanor.
He approached me grabbing my face gently.

"What's wrong amor?" He said with concerned eyes
"Gio something is wrong?" I clutched my baby bump.
He looked down and that was the first time I had seen genuine fear in his eyes.

I was startled awake at the memory of the day we lost Amelia. I couldn't slow down my breathing.
The tears that flowed wouldn't stop .

I missed Gio if I was being honest. I missed what we had. Why did he have to cheat?

I tried calling my mom and bestfriend but to no avail. It was 4 in the morning. I looked at his number and decided to call because I knew he would be up.

He answered on the second ring.
""Hey, beautiful" I smiled at the sound of his voice. I was happy to talk to him.

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