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I stood there shocked at the words that had just came out of her mouth. I was bothered by her words for some reason. Probably because I knew that deep down I still had feelings for Gio.

He was the only man I had ever given myself to. Knowing he had sex with other women before me always bothered me. I just didn't like the fact that someone had what he gave me.

But this hurt more because he actually loved her and was able to get over me when I still couldn't even look another man's way.
Raula looked at me with so much hate. For what reason I didn't really know.
Just as I was about to get this bitch, Gio walked into the room.

"You can go ahead and get yo girl and exit my house" I said, anger present in my voice.
"Why are you acting like this?" Gio said approaching me, concern in his eyes.

"Ask your "fiancé", goodbye now I will contact you about updates about Lily." I said heading towards the door.

Gio looked confused for a second and glanced at Raula who's gaze was on the floor. He slowly walked towards her and grabbed her by her arm and basically dragged her out and left wordlessly.

I was mad as fuck. I already knew what happened. I got in the car not even checking to see if she had got in the car as I started the car.
I didn't say anything to her as she entered the car. I had nothing to say. I'm so sick of her insecurities and her jealousy.

"I know you are mad but please hear me out" she said, pleading with me.
"I know you said some shit that offended her. I don't have time for this. Things are already tense. Why go and make it worse? You are so jealous and insecure. You act like I'm fucking her." I said with venom in my voice.

"Are you?" She said accusingly.

I looked at her briefly as I drove.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not fucking her. She would never let me touch her." I said and paused to realize what I said would start some shit.

"So if she let you, you would? I saw the was that you looked at her. You are attracted to her. Does she make your dick hard? Is she what you think about when you are inside me? You are unbelievable" she said, angrily.

"Yes I am attracted to her, I had a child with her for fucks sake. I married her. I loved her. Shit I still do. I will always care for her. Doesn't mean I would be with her. Doesn't mean that I want her. I'm with you, aren't I?" I said.

She didn't say anything but I could tell my words hurt her but I couldn't lie. I will always love Rylan. She is my first love and the women I thought would be forever and it kills me to know I ruined that shit.

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