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Gio had called me several times but I was not about to answer. I can't believe he left my child in the car. I mean come on and with that witch at that.

Well I didn't really know her but I hope she knew that Gio was a liar and a cheater. But I can't lie seeing him after all this time made me realize how handsome he was.
And it make me think of our first time for some reason.


I stared at him and we both reached our designated room for the next two weeks. I decided that I wanted to wait to have sex until I was married.
Gio had already delved into that realm which made me a little nervous as I didn't want to disappoint him.

"Are you okay?" Gio asks, now right in front of me. He looked into my eyes with so much love. I was captivated by his beautiful eyes.
"I'm okay" I said, shyly.

"Let's take a bath, so we can wash off our travel" Gio said as he headed towards the bathroom, my hand in his.

I was a little nervous. He had seen me naked before but not really ever had the time to just take a good look at my body.
He started to strip and I opted to look the other way. Even though we were married and I had seen him naked also I couldn't help but be shy.

When he was done he turned to me realizing I wasn't looking at him and grabbed my face to make me look at him.

"My body is yours. You can look at me. Also I promise I love your body. You don't have to hide from me." Gio said as he slowly slipped the maxi dress I had on over my head. Next was my underwear. I wasn't wearing a bra so I was now completely naked.

It was something about the way he looked at me. There was lust but also love in his eyes.
"You are so beautiful" he said as he kissed me gently. He led me to the bathtub that was now filled with water somehow. It smelled of lavender. He got in and eased me in with him.

I could feel all of him literally because my back was against his front. He didn't seem to mind the closeness and I didn't either, I had been ready to fully submit myself to him for a while. Today was the day finally.

I turned myself around so that I was straddling him. We were pressed against each other. I begin to kiss him fully ready to give in. He wrapped his arms around my body and grinded himself against me. "Are you sure?" He said, lust in his eyes. I nodded.

End of flashback*

I smiled at the thought. I was so nervous that day. But I didn't regret it even now. He was my first but he probably wouldn't be the last.

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