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Ry's POV
I was livid. Why the hell did I pull up and see my child in the car by herself with no windows rolled down or any air on this hot ass day. It was 91 degrees today.
Like any parent would I got my child out the car and went to confront her father. I may have been a little loud when I yelled but I didn't care. He deserved it. His dumb ass left her in the car.
He just stood there stunned. "Are you gonna say anything?" I said walking closer and getting in his face. " I didn't leave her like that. She was in the car with her" he pointed at his fiancé. This ticked me off more. I was about to go off.
" you left her in the car with this bitch?" I said before I could even stop myself.

"Don't call her a bitch. She has a name" Gio said like he had any say in anything.

"Why did you leave my child with her?" I said turning to Raula, Lily in my arms.
She gave me a dirty look to which I didn't give a fuck to acknowledge.

"Calm down. She's okay. We are all okay. Just let it go." Gio said, trying to probably save his ass.
I wasn't having any of it. I walked out the shop regardless of him calling my name and went to my car ready to go home with my daughter.


I tried to run outside to catch her but she was already pulling away. I stopped for a second getting my thoughts in order when I felt arms wrap around me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause trouble. I promise I didn't know" Raula said, actually sounding somewhat guilty.

I took her hands off of me and started walking to the car. I got in the drivers seat and waited for her to slide smoothly into the passenger seat.

" So you want kids but you don't know not to leave a kid in a ducking hot car?" I laughed but it wasn't from humor. She just looked over to me apologetically. I was still pissed.

" I" she started but I cut her off. " please don't talk to me right now after you did that dumb ass shit. Please just leave me to my thoughts right now. I'll let you know when I'm over it" whenever that would be. I didn't play about my child. She was my baby girl and I counsels fathom anyone hurting her even if it was unintentional. I told Ry to let it go but I couldn't even do it myself

I was also angry because it rocked the boat even more between me and Ry and now she probably didn't trust me even more. I have to find a way to fix it. I can't go for months without seeing my daughter again because of some bullshit like this.

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