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Ry's POV
It had been 3 days since Lily's surgery and I had been relieved when I was told she was able to go home today.

Mykael came to visit everyday which h appreciated. Gio pretty much stayed the whole time, just as worried as I was. Ofcourse that meant Raula was here as well. Working my damn nerves Ofcourse.

She had one more time to say some slick shit and she was getting popped in her mouth. She pissed me off but I tolerated her for the sake of my child. If Gio was going to be with her I needed to be civilized.

My thoughts were interrupted by nurse entering with a wheelchair to take Lily to the car, as she had finally been discharged.

I was happy for her to go home. As she was being wheeled out I saw Gio at the front entrance of the hospital.

He had wanted her to go home with him but I just wasn't willing to do that right now. I felt like she should be with me. Ofcourse he was pissed off but I didn't care. I simply asked him to bring my car around to the front.

When we reached the car Gio handed me my keys and helped Lily into her car seat and kissed her all over her face saying " I will be around to see you tomorrow. In a few days, when you're a little better we can have a daddy daughter day" Lily smiled at this. She was such a daddy's girl. I couldn't help but smile at the moment.

I wished so desperately that we were that same happy family we had been years prior. Truth be told I missed being one family. But Gio had to go and fuck it up.

As soon as I got home I couldn't help but throw myself into a workout to get my mind off of the fact that my daughter wasn't with me.

Raula had tried to cheer me up the only way she knew how, trying to seduce me. I wasn't in the mood. That's all she ever wanted to do but I couldn't stand the guilt afterwords.

Even though me and Rylan weren't together she still owned my heart and my body. I think she always would.

I was interrupted by Raula bursting in the gym. Startled I sat up from the bench press.

"Baby, I'm pregnant"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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