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I tried to compose myself as I the whisk away my daughter to prepare for surgery. Through out the night Lily had woken up and complained about her stomach hurting and ultimately threw up and she couldn't stop throwing up.

I didn't know what to do so I brought her to the hospital. They had determined she had appendicitis and it was only a matter of time before her appendix burst so they decided surgery was the best option.

I was so scared for her and for me but I knew I needed to call Gio because he was her father.

When Raula answered the phone I don't know why it made me upset. But I had no time to talk to her about my disdain towards her.

My focus was on Lily. I told her the information that Gio needed to get here and quickly hung up.

I went to the vending machine to get a water as I waited because I knew I was dehydrated.

I had a missed call from Mykael. I knew he was wondering what was going on as I had texted him I was going to the hospital.

I quickly shot him a text letting him know the situation and he replied saying he was on his way.

I didn't think it was the best idea to invite him here with Gio but I didn't care.

Gio arrived about 20 minutes later looking to and fro trying to locate me. As soon as he saw me he sped walk to me and hugged me surprisingly. I accepted it though. I needed a hug.

That's when I noticed Raula behind him. Once again I didn't have time for this. Her hair was a mess and she looked as if she had just thrown on clothes.

I didn't need to be a detective to know they had sex. That also explained her answering his phone. I assume he was in the shower as his hair looked slightly damp.

"Are you okay?" Gio asked, concern on his face which made Raula grab his arm as if to mark her territory.

Bitch please I don't want your man.

I saw Mykael walking up to me at the same time the doctor did.

Mykael reached me first and he and Gio kinda sized eachother up. Gio have me a look which I didn't understand because he was with Raula.

When he approached he kissed me on the forehead as the doctor reached us right after he said "Lilliana's surgery was" ...

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