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After hanging up the phone with Gio, I thought long and hard about what he had proposed. It had been so long since Lily saw her grandparents and I know she would love it but I didn't like the fact that he made that decision without me.

There was no denying that Gio was a good father which made me at ease when thinking about him going with her.

I excused myself to go home because I wasn't in the mood to continue. Upon arriving home I got Lily ready for bed. While we were in the bath together she asked me "why do you hate papa?"

The question caused me to stop in my tracks. I didn't realize she noticed my resentment toward Gio.

"Daddy did something bad to mommy and mommy is still trying to get over it" I said gently. Not wanting her to have a bad opinion of her dad.

"Like what?" She asked. The innocence she had killed me.

"I will tell you when you are older and a little bit more understanding" I said as I got out the tub and coaxed get out. After drying us both off and lotioning up we crawled into bed and watched coco melon.

I would give Gio a call tomorrow I thought as I kissed Lily on her forehead.


"Baby yessss" I head Raula say as I pounded into her. I was frustrated and decided to take it out on her. She Ofcourse was willing. As I neared my release I pulled out and came on her stomach.

As soon as I was done I rolled off of her and went straight to the shower. I couldn't see myself just laying with her after sex like I had with Ry. We would talk for hours about everything.

As I washed myself I thought of the conversation I had with Ry. I should have said something to her but she pissed me off and I had been thinking about visiting my parents for some time. So they could meet Raula and see Lily.

As I tried off I heard Raula call my name. Reluctantly I said what. She replied with "I answered your phone and it was Rylan and she said that Lily was in the hospital" in that moment everything stopped. I could not lose another child.

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