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"Who told you that you could take my child to Italy!"
Ry's voice boomed through the phone.
"I fucking did Rylan. I don't need your fucking permission to take my child somewhere. If you want me to get my fucking lawyer and get full custody I will." I spat bitterly.

I had received a picture from Raula that showed Ry with another man at a cafe. It pissed me off. I couldn't lie. To think that she would even think about being with another man rubbed me the wrong way.

She was always mine. I know I was with another women which wasn't okay but I needed to move on. I needed to feel better. It didn't work. I still yearned for Ry.

She was my first love. She was the mother of my child. I couldn't shake my feelings for her no matter how much time passed.

I love her and I always will. I know that I lost a good thing but I'm better now. But I couldn't just let go of Raula. She had helped me.

"Have you lost your everlasting mind talking to me like that Gio. Don't fucking threaten me. You know if that happened Lily would hate you for it."  She spat giving me the same energy.

I knew deep down she was right but I would have never done that especially because I was the one who broke up our family.

"I just wanted for her to see my parents. They haven't seen her in a while and I think as one of her parents I am allowed to take her" I say slowly trying to calm her down .

"You should have talked to me about it and now she has her hopes up about going to damn Italy"she says sounding less mad than before.

"I know but I was not in the right space really. I've been thinking a lot about Amanda and what could have been if she was here with us. Would we still be together?" I say thoughtfully.

There was a pause before she said " probably because you probably wouldn't have cheated on me. You wouldn't have broken up our home and brought in your hoes. I thought I was over it. But I'm not Gio. I'll call you tomorrow to let you know my answer" with that she hung up.

My heart clenched at the truth of what she said. If I could go back in time. I would change so much but I can't so I have to live with the fact that broke up my home.

I shook my head and sat reminiscing for a while before I heard the sound of the door opening. I sighed and got up and headed to the bathroom. Anything to avoid her.

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