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"You know better than that. Don't do that again" I said to Lily. She had been playing on my computer in my office and had decided it was a good idea to bring her juice cup with her and wasted the orange liquid on my keyboard.

"Cleo! Can you come clean this up" I yelled to Cleo my housekeeper.

When I saw Cleo's short, thin frame enter the room I took Lily by her hand and walked out the room.
I told Lily not to leave her room for an hour.

I didn't care what she did in her room as long as it wasn't harmful so I could avoid her crazy antics for. Little while I finished writing my speech for company party.

As I typed I thought back to what I saw in the news a few minutes ago. It was Gio and his Fiancé Raula. He looked so happy. I was not. I was miserable. He had loved on and I couldn't I was stuck on him. No matter how many advances men made towards me I knew I couldn't be with anyone else. I fucked myself indefinitely.

Who would have thought that after only two years he would move on. I missed him so much.
He had gotten visitation in court after I was too afraid to ever call him let alone face him. When it was his turn with her I always sent Cleo to open the door and the same when she came back home.

It has been two years. Our divorce was finalized a year ago. I finally got to see my daughter which was amazing. Getting to hold her and spend time with her is amazing.

I decided to give Raula a chance. I proposed to her three months ago. I genuinely liked her. I didn't love her. I knew it was impossible to live any other women the way I loved Rylan.

I tried to will myself to remember that she doesn't want me but there is still a small amount of hope that I hold out at her missing me too.

"Hey baby, How was work?" I hear Raula call out from the kitchen as I walk through the door.

I make my way to my Fiancé in the kitchen. When I reach her I wrap my arms around her small waist and lay kisses on her exposed neck. Her red hair was in a bun and she was wearing a red silk nightgown that left little to the imagination.

"It was like always. It was fine. Filed papers, approved shit, said hell no to a lot of shit, typed a hell of a lot." I said which made her giggle, flashing her beautiful smile. She was a beautiful woman.

She turned around and started to kiss me. The kiss was sensual. My hands wandered into her dress and played with her lace panties. He hand grabbed mine "Oh yeah I'm not supposed to be having sex with you."
I stopped my actions and started walking away to our room to take care something.
"Where are you going?" She softly asked in her sweet voice.

"To take care of this" I pointed at my pants, drawing her attention to my bulge.

Everytime we had sex I would always say a silent apology to Rylan because I hated the fact that I let another women touch me, I let her have everything that was Rylan's. I felt horrible that Raula was a genuinely nice women but I decided to play her.

I didn't love her but she made it clear she loved me. She wants children but I can't picture myself having children with anyone else except Rylan. I have been trying to be really careful.

I always carried condoms with me everywhere so that I could be prepared. Raula deserves so much better.

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