Part 35

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"Can't we just snuggle for a bit longer" I whine as he pulls me up, we laugh and walk into the kitchen, ready to start our day with...
"Pop tarts?" I hear Ethan say after rifling through the cupboard for a while
"Sure" I say back, I hear the ruffle of the wrapper and then him placing them into the toaster. After awhile the toaster pops and Ethan rushes over with a plate ready to grab them,
"Ow, ow, ow" he says picking them up and dropping them on the plate quickly, I laugh and he makes a fake sad face at me and sits beside me.

I grab both the pop tarts and break them in half so they cool quicker, after awhile of waiting me and Ethan pick up out pop tarts and eat them quickly, knowing that we had wasted enough time waiting and that we needed to shopping. As we shoved the last of it in our mouths we quickly shoved on shoes and left the house swiftly,
"Right are we shopping together or?" I ask Ethan
"Ye let's shop together" he smiles as he holds my hand, I smile back and we head towards the shops.

"Can we go in that one, markmalade?" Ethan points to a fancy stone grey building with swirly letters spelling out 'Te Amo' which translates to 'I love you' in Latin, Ethan looks at me, his eyes pleading me to say yes, I nodded my head and he let out a squeak of excitement, I loved it when he did that. He pulled me into the shop and began looking through the clothes, mostly black, some where dark grey, I took the hint and looked at the light grey and white ones. I flicked a few different outfits up and down the bar until I found a beautiful white, embroidered outfit, light grey skulls crawled up the arms and legs of it and at the top there where soft, lovely flowers which grew from the skulls eyes, I picked it up and hid it behind me back
"Hey eff, do we show each other what we wear!" I shout to him, he was also hiding a black outfit behind his back,
"Don't let me see!" He smiles, I smile back and go to the register and pay, rushing home to go hid it somewhere safe, it looked lovely, I could almost hear the days ticking down to that amazing day.

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