F I V E .

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                                                                                      [ Kiya Lashae .

                                                                                     Atlanta , GA ].


''I'm trying my hardest not to zap tf out.'' Amari said as I stood there crying.

''Calm down-

''nah ian calming down you jus sat here and blatantly told me da baby not mines.'' he said huffing.


''Yea we don-

''I got raped.'' I said lowly.

''bro what- by who ? when ?'' he said clutching his gun.

''Let me tell you what happen Mari sit down please.'' I said

He sat down.

''Yooo.'' Sean said walking in the door with Kaiden.

''Uh oh what happen ?'' Kalani said.

''She got sum to tell us.'' Mari said staring at me.

''I never told yall but Ima stripper. I need money to get away from Alex (her foster mother).'' 

'' Okay ? why didn't you tell us , we wasn't goin judge. you do watchu gotta do to make money.'' Kalani said.

''Kay kay stfu and let her finish.'' Amari snapped and Kaiden mugged him.

''My boss raped me.''


''Kiya when you do turn 18 ?'' my boss asked .

''In a few weeks why ?'' I said 

''Some people want to see you up there on a pole. they've said they'd be willing to pay over 200k.''

''Can I accept the offer now though ? I need money.'' I said and he shrugged.

''One condition.'' he said walking off and I assumed he wanted me to follow him.

''wats the condition I really need this money so I could get away from a certain person , I jus want my own house atleast.'' I said and he smirked.

''You have to give me this.'' he said patting my vagina.

''Mike you're 40 , I'm 17 no.'' I said.

''Give me some pussy or no money. deal or no deal ?''

''No deal , I'd rather wait til I'm fucking 18 fck outta here.'' I said walking away but he yanked me.

''Ya mova never taught you not to disrespect adults ?'' he said taking his pants off.

''Mike no-

''shut the fuck up.'' he said before shoving the tip inside me.


"I said shut up.'' he said covering my mouth and put all of his inches inside me.

I cried as he moaned , then I felt a warm substance shoot inside me and he pulled his pants up.

Triflin bitch can't even last 5 minutes .

''I'll see you tomorrow about that deal ?'' he asked and I nodded walking out.

I drove home and cried and messed up my whole room.

after 10 minutes I went inside the bathroom and inside the cabinet behind the mirror.

I found a box of razors.

''Knew you'd be useful.'' I mumbled.


"Wow.'' Kalani said with tears in her eyes.

''wat is you crying for my nigga you ain't get raped- '' Sean said but Amari interrupted him.

''we gotta kill em.'' Mari said with red eyes.

''Ion wantchu in jail-

''Ion give a fuck Kiya , he fucking raped you.''

''I can find dat nigga.'' Sean said before hugging me and walking out the door along with Mari.

''Alex know you a stripper ?'' Kalani asked sitting down next to me.

''I told her I got a job as a clerk . so no.'' I said and she nodded.

''I seen ya arm. stop cutting yourself Ian playing.'' she said and I nodded.

''Where you staying ?'' I asked her and she chuckled.

''In a hotel for rn.'' she said and I could tell she was lying.

"I wish I could help , but yk Alex not no help-

''Yo we found em'' Sean said walking in.

''Why you ain't tell us mr willis did it ?'' Amari asked.

''Mr. Willis ? the fucking  math teacher for 9th grade ? I knew dat nigga was creepy.'' Kalani said.

''Yo real shit he gave me bad vibes , he would always use the boys bathroom instead of the staff bathroom , I was scared he was goin butt rape me.'' Sean said causing us to laugh.

''Nigga you would've liked it.'' Kalani said and he stale faced her.

''Keep playin.'' he said hitting her with a pillow.

Amari was still staring at me.

I could tell he was mad but wtf you mad at me for ? Im da victim..

I grabbed his hand walking  the kitchen island.

''I'm so sorry I didn't tell you baby-

''Youn gotta apologize. I'm jus mad that someone took advantage of you.'' he said.

''I am too , I'm having panic attacks and nightmares and ion kno who to talk to-

''Ma. look at me.'' he said lifting my head up by the chin.

''Youn ever gotta feel like you got nobody to talk too , you got me. You're too pretty to be crying , we goin get him gone I promise you. And you can quit that fuck ass job cause I gotchu wit da money problem , I gotchu ard ?'' he said hugging me.

''Mari Ion wan take your money-

"I said wat I said.'' he said .

I was always taught to not receive things from others but to earn it. to be independent. But at times like this I wondered wtf I need to do to earn things.

''& ik watchu thinking , but ian doing this for nun , you did earn it. you earned it for making me smile everyday , for being the first person on my mind everyday and fa having my back.'' he said.

''I love youu.'' I sung while still crying.

''I love you way more.'' he said hugging me.

''aweeeeeeeeeeeeee.'' I heard Kalani say.

''Hey God it's me again-

''Shut the fuck up.'' Sean said picking up Kalani and throwing her onto the couch.

''But- everyones in a relationship and there's just meeeee Ohmygosh.'' kalani said making me laugh.

I tried to get out of Amaris hug but he hugged me tighter so I jus sat there.

⬾I like this chapter. 

⬾ Um femaledurkio out !

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