T W E N T Y-T H R E E .

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A/N : I meant to post these two from the other chapter but wattpad was being dumb so here.

theerealllanii_ 30mins

theerealllanii_ 30mins

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theerealllanii_ Jus cause im 8teen  😛.

random purr its my birthday too im nasty19😛

             random keisha its no need to say nasty19 u been nasty 🤣.

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Kalani Lewis .

I woke up in an unfamiliar house and my legs were in pain.

''Finally you up..whatever was in your drink had you fucked up.'' Brooklyns cousin smirked.

''Take me home.'' I said slowly panicking.

''Ight , get ya shoes on..'' he said and I did it quick as fuck.

As we walked outside he tried to open the door for me .

''I got it. '' I said .

''you good ?'' he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

No bitch I might've lost my virginity to you and I don't even remember it .

''yea. just tired.'' I said as he started the car and speeded off.

I  woke up from over a 100 texts from  imessage.

aunt🥰. you okay I heard you really....

Nunibaee girll answer the pho...

simps and pimps😫. LMAO

I clicked the groupchat as Dayawn (brooklyns cousin ) drove.

                                               simps and pimps😫


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