T W E N T Y- S I X .

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I update too much ???

I try to be active but If it's too much lemme know .

ஐ Kalani Lewis ஐ.

Atlanta , GA ஐ.

Atlanta , GA ஐ

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''you got the  money ?'' I asked Kam as we walked into the bank.

''yea..Nuni always wanted to go to Miama so this bouta be fun.'' he said .

''mhm.'' I mumbled scared because of my fear of planes .

''I hate girls who listen to rap music all day , like damn girl turn on some miley cyrus.'' he said eyeing my phone.

''Fuck out my phone , and what I look like listening to her this not 2013.'' I said.

''bitches and these stereotypes , But I getchu. Y'know how society get down so if you was ta listen to her in 2021 you woulda got bullied.'' he said laughing.

''niggas always tryn be funny for what.'' I mumbled.

''And Bitch don't call me a bitch.'' I said smacking him as he ran away laughing.

''sorry bestie.'' he said as Karon walked up to us.

''fuck ya'll got going on ?'' he said dapping Kam up.

''She taking money out her whatever , to pay fa Nuni's birthday trip tp Miami.''

''Oh yeah niggas forgot about that.'' he said.

''Nuni goin be pissed if she see ya'll too hanging out.'' he added.

''Nuni knowwwww me and Kam are friends-

''besties , the fuck.'' he corrected me.

''Anyways she know we just close and she know I still lo-like sean.'' I said.

''you was finna say dat L wordd huh .'' Karon laughed before walking away.

''No I wasn't .'' I mumbled .

''If you like Sean stop holding grudges best , we all see how ya'll look at eachother.'' Kam said.

''Ion need a lecture Ima go back to him when I'm ready.'' I said shrugging while putting my info in the ATM

''see ya'll libras love grudges .. Sean not going always chase you and y'know this considering he liked you previously but you friendzoned em and he got a girlfriend.'' he said.

''first of ya'll I hate when you right. Second zodiac don't got shit to do with this.'' I said and he sucked his teeth.

''you get what I'm saying doe right ?'' he mugged.


''Good cause here he come , Ima be inna car.'' he said before jogging to the parking lot before I could respond.

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