S E V E N T E E N .

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Kalani Amaya Lewis .

Atlanta , Georgia .


''tired of you yo.'' Kameron said as he and Nuni fought playfully.

''Nuni you been here for how long ? and you already got yaself a boyfriend ?'' I furrowed my eyebrows.

''Nah I flew down here for her lightbulb head ass. she keep blocking me.'' Kameron said.

''I told you its better if I block you causeee babeeyyy you not the only one-

''finish dat sentence Ima kick you in ya shin.'' he said.

I shook my head laughing as my phone rang.

Big brova with a orange heart would like to facetime.


''get the hospital bruh.'' he said with his eyes red.

''what  happened ? where-

''Kiya tried to kill herself get up here.''

''okay what hospital ??!'' I asked putting on my crocs and grabbing my jacket.

Big brova🧡. starting sharing his location with you.

''shit I can't find my keys-

''Kameron can you drive me up Emory University ?'' I asked and he nodded.

''who inna hospital?'' nuni asked grabbing her jacket.

''Kiya.''I said as my eyes teared up.

''Ima need you to drive like drive drive.'' I told Kameron .

''okay calm down shordy my license suspended , can't be doing allat.'' he said and I was about to say sum but Nuni stopped me.

''bae drive.'' she said and he nodded.


''I'm here for Kiya Lashae ..'' I told the lady at the desk.

''Unfortunately she is not able to see anyone yet but her room number is 112 and you can just wait in the waiting room across the hall from her room.'' she said and I nodded going towards the elevator.

As we got the waiting room I saw Sean and Amari there.

Amari had his face in his arms and Sean was staring into space.

After 30 minutes a doctor finally came out.

''Family of miss Lashae?'' the doctor said furrowing his eyebrows and I quickly stood up.

''Fortunately Mister Jonsin did mouth to mouth and got her breathing right before she got here-

''is she okay doc.'' I said and his face saddened.

''Unfortunately her breathing stopped. I'm very sorry but Kiya Lashae did not make it. her body consumed way too much pills that a teen shouldn't be even thinking about taking.'' he said.

''No bro you're lying.'' I said running into her room and grabbing her hand.

''Kiya ! kiya wake up please.'' I pleaded at her lifeless body.

''Ma'am I'm very sorry.''

''Ya'll didn't try to save her , to take the pills out !'' I said crying more.

I felt arms wrap around me leading me out the room and I struggled to get out of the grip.

''Kiyaaaa'' I cried into Seans chest , not even knowing it was his.

I watched them put a bag over here and escort her bed out the room as I blacked out.  

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