S I X T E E N .

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   ⌘ Kalani Amaya Lewis 

   ⌘ Atlanta , Georgia ⌘ .


''you asked her ?" I said nudging Nuni's shoulder.

''she said she ah think about it bro. I know she rey say no.'' she said  picking her nails.

''Missouri so boring yo , she has to lemme stay in ATl.'' she added.

''shidd with corona around ion really be doing much.'' I said as Sean nem walked through the door.

''you niggas don't knock anymore ?"'

''mane we high as shit , I gotta sit down.'' Amari said bucking at Nuni.

''damn you can't even fake flinch.'' Sean said laughing.

''what ya'll on ?'' I asked an Kiya huffed.

''shiidd I'm on weed.. Sean on-

''shut the fuck up my nigga.'' Sean said taking a little bag out his pocket.

My eyes noticed what it was and I slipped the pills out his hand before it reached his tongue.

''fuck is you doing ?!"' he asked.

''you not about to be a fucking crackie- druggie in my house why's you taking percs ?'' I asked.

He shrugged.

''help me feel numb.''

''numb to whaettt ?"' I dragged.

''Forget it Lani , I gotta go pick up Lai Lai.'' he said walking towards the door.

I grabbed his arm.

''you always tryn dismiss conversations when it's about you bro. Ion even know who you is anymore.'' I said and he mugged me.

''ouuu.'' Amari said and Kiya slapped him.

Sean walked outside and I followed.

''watchu want yo.'' he said pulling his car window down.

''you never answered my question. you keep saying drop it and shit like no I care about you-

''Ian never need nobody to care about me , its me vs me , ion need no one to watch ova me , care about me or nuffin. My family neva cared for me , they showed me dat nobody else can care fa me.'' he said and I felt my eyes getting watery.

''Lani Ian mean it like dat-

''Nah you right , youn see how much I care for you den its ya fault , but when you fucking overdose remember watchu said.'' I said walking away from the door as he sped off.

I walked inside the house seeing Amari dozing off and Nuni doing tiktoks with Kiya.

''you good ?'' Nuni said.

''I'm tryn get drunk.'' I said shrugging and she smirked.

Amari jumped up .

''why tf sean leave me , HE MY RIDE.'' he yelled as we laughed.

''better call a lyft hoe.'' Nuni said and they began slap boxing.

''you's ah whole ass tomboy.'' I said to her and she flicked me off.

''Lani.'' Kiya said lowly and I turned my head to her.

''I gotta go , sum shit wit my alex nem.'' she said and I nodded.

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