E I G H T E E N .

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But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up

Forgive but don't forget, girl keep your head up

Kalani ❧ .

Atlanta , GA.


Kiya's funeral was a blur.

A bunch of family that never talked to her spoke.

Amari stared at her body not moving a muscle , I just want to hug him.

''now we will have a special friend speak. Miss Lewis come on.'' 

I stood up patting my skirt down.

''First lemme start off by saying.. Kiya would've  loved the new faces here today. But I don't. She was going through something and some of ya'll posed to be 'family' but now she's in this casket lifeless and here ya'll are.'' I said with tears streaming down my face.

''Kiya was my bestfriend. My sister , my soulmate. She was always- sorry.'' I said because I was stuttering from crying.

''take ya time baby.'' A lady said and I nodded.

''edna you ever shut the fuck up?'' the man next to her whispered.

''No matter what we fight about , it didn't matter because we would make up the next day. We will not cry because she is gone , she's with God , the man she always wanted to be with. I ask that you all keep her in ya'll prayers , have a nice one you all.'' I said and walked down the steps as Amari got up.

''dat ain't her bruh.'' he mumbled.

''huh- what.''

''she don't look like herself , dat ain't the Kiya I called beautiful a couple days ago bruh.'' he said as a tear ran down his face.

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