N I N E T E E N .

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Kalani Lewis .

Atlanta , GA.

Atlanta , GA

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I had been 5 weeks since her death , it affected Amari the most so I had to kind of babysit him.

''where we going again ?''

''to Alex house , she want us to clean out Kiya's room and she going let us keep some stuff I guess.'' I sighed and Sean nodded.

As we pulled up we got out but Amari stayed in the car from being tired.

''Kameron some of the toats  might be heavy so you should come with.'' I said and he nodded.

''finally yall here , the carpet repairer just left. Can't believe she let that water ruin my carpet-

''where her stuff at ?'' I interrupted.

''Up there'' she pointed and we walked up and into her room.

I instantly felt a tear drop as I gathered the boxes that Alex packed.

''why she tryn get her shit out the house so fast.'' we heard Amari say as he walked upstairs.

''because I need more space , I'm a nail tech.'' Alex said and he mugged.

''Ight well , Lani I wan keep most of the things.'' he said.

I nodded and picked up a box walking downstairs.

As I loaded the trunk two police cars came and walked to the porch and I followed.

''Alex Howard ?'' the officer said.

''Yes that would be me , hello officer-

''you're under arrest for the death of Kiya Lashae.'' he said hand cuffing.

''but her death was a suicide , ian kill shit-

''the morgue found two notes , one about you and the other one with names on I'm assuming for you guys. '' the girl officer said handing us a note that had our names on it.

''Can I see the note about Alex ?'' I asked.

''I'm not able to give you that information ma'am sorry for ya'll loss.'' 

''let me go ! Ian do shit.'' alex said trying to get out of there grip.

''On that note ma'am , we have evidence of you encouraging the suicide , that is in fact a crime , you have the right to remain silent.'' they said taking her out the house as I watched in silence.

''lemme go for I do sum dumb.'' Amari said.

''like what-

''like kill that bitch before she even get to jail.'' he said interrupting me.

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