T W E N T Y- E I G H T .

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Kalani Lewis ☁.

Atlanta GA ☁.

Atlanta GA ☁

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''wake yo ass up.'' Quinton said pouring water on me

''bitch- the fuck is wrong witchu '' I jumped up yelling.

''Guess who downstairs.'' he said smiling .

''who ?'' I asked peeling my wet shirt off.

''Uncle Lewiss .'' he dragged and grabbed my arm running downstairs and all I seen was my father.

''you goin speak or stand there like booboo the fool ?'' he asked and  held his arms out as I ran and jumped into his arms.

''oggggg.'' I dragged

''Ight now I said speak not suffocate me.'' he said hugging me back

''when you get out ?'' I asked jumping around.

''this morning , tracked you down from Quinton happy ass.'' he said putting his bags down.

''You need a place to stay til you get back on ya feet or sum ?'' I asked furrowing my eyebrows

''well shit I wasn't gon ask , I was just bouta make myself comfortable but since you ASKED-

''boy shut up.'' I mumbled.

''Uncle Lewis watchu doing here, shouldn't you be making prison pies.'' Karon said coming downstairs with Nuni who was getting a little bit fat.

''out my face go worry bout dem girls who claim you as they babydaddy.''

''who told you bout thattt ?'' Karon said putting a hand over his chest

''Quinton big mouth ass told me everything on the drive here.''

''Khalil Lewis ? is thatt you ?'' I heard a voice say and saw Nia walk in with hair bags.

''finally.. my hair been ugly as shit lately.'' I sighed.

''why yes it is how you been babyy.'' he dragged as she mugged him.

''Nice to see you back old man.'' she patted his shoulder and walked over to me.

''Only in my 40's dont get me started.'' he said huffing.

''Man I need a beer.'' he added.

''Who all these heffas coming up innis house ?'' he asked me as Sean nem walked in.

''Ya'll just choose when ya'll can come to my house anyday huh ?'' I said sitting down as Nia parted my hair.

''Ayyy when you get here.'' Amari dapped him up.

''Mind yours.'' 

''damn still mean like you was huh.'' he frowned hugging me.

''When ya'll start hanging with my daughter ?'' Nia asked frowning.

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